Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Master’s/Doctoral thesis/dissertation, University Name]. Repository Name. DOI OR URL accessible to all readers
Ignatov, I. (2013). Eastward voyages and the late medieval European worldview [Master’s thesis, سԹ]. UC Research Repository. https://doi.org/10.26021/4539
Nepe, T. M. (1991). Te toi huarewa tipuna: Kaupapa Maori, an educational intervention system [Master’s thesis, University of Auckland]. ResearchSpace. http://hdl.handle.net/2292/3066
Solomon, C. A. (2014). It’s numbers and that’s it: An exploration of children’s beliefs about mathematics through their drawings and words [Doctoral thesis, سԹ]. UC Research Repository. https://doi.org/10.26021/10034
- Parenthetical citations: (Ignatov, 2013; Nepe, 1991; Solomon, 2014)
- Narrative citations: Ignatov (2013), Nepe (1991), and Solomon, 2014
Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Unpublished master’s/doctoral thesis/dissertation]. University Name.
Healey, D. (2005). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and creativity: An investigation into their relationship[Unpublished doctoral thesis]. سԹ.
Hood, K. E. S. (2008). On beyond boo! Horror literature for children [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
- Parenthetical citations: (Healey, 2005; Hood, 2008)
- Narrative citations: Healey (2005) and Hood (2008)
- PhD theses: Follow the title with “Unpublished doctoral thesis/dissertation”.
- Master’s theses: Use “Unpublished master’s thesis” – the rest of the reference is like that of a PhD thesis.
- PhD thesis/dissertation: Use the terminology used on the thesis itself. Usually the word is “thesis” for theses from New سԹand all other countries except the US, which uses “dissertation” for PhD theses.
- See also (APA Style website) for more examples.