Scholarship Name | Scholarship Information |
| Details: The scholarship may be awarded to the top ranked applicant in any one year of those who applied for, but were not successful in obtaining, a UC Master's or Doctoral Scholarship (or award of higher or equivalent value to these). Candidates must be enrolled full-time in either an MSc Part II or PhD in Physics or Astronomy. Value:The value of the scholarship shall be determined each year, according to the money available to be disbursed from the trust account in accordance with University policy. Closing date:Application not required. |
| Details:Applicants must be enrolled in a research programme in the Department of Civil & Natural Resource Engineering or Geography, and be intending to present a paper at a coastal and/or ocean conference.
Value:Grants from an annual fund of $10,000 are available. Individual grants do not normally exceed the following values: (a) For conferences in Aotearoa New Zealand: $1,000; (b) For conferences in Australia: $1,500; (c) For conferences in other countries: $3,000. Closing date:31 March and 30 September if funds available |
| Details:To inspire andsupportresearch in astronomy at the سԹ Mt John Observatory Value:The funds can be used to provide grants for the purpose of travel and approved living expenses, research equipment and any other purpose that benefits or promotes the astronomical work of astronomy staff or students at UC in relation to Mt John Observatory. Closing date:Applications may be made to theHead of the School of Physical and Chemical Sciencesat any time.
| Details:To support thesis full- or part-time students in Astronomy at UC whose study entails observational work at Mount John Observatory. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, to a value of $5,000 per annum; up to a total of 120 points for Masters students, or 360 points for PhD students. Closing date:01 November |
| Details:To support full time students engaged din the first year of a programme for a research master's degree at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | سԹ whose proposed project is relevant to the energy needs of Aotearoa New Zealand. Each year, at least five scholarships are available nationally.Applicants must be citizens of Aotearoa New سԹor holders of Aotearoa New سԹresidence class visas. Value:Financial assistance at a value of $8,000 for one year. Closing date:31 March |
| Details:To assist candidates completing a Masters or PhD degree in the Chemistry Department who incur heavy personal expenses in the pursuit of their research project. Applicant must be enrolled in one of the following courses: BCHM690, BCHM790, CHEM690, CHEM790, ENVR690, ENVR790. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, up to a value of $1,000. Closing date:31 March and 30 September |
| Details:To support students towards study for an Honours or Master's degree in Economics or Political Science at the سԹ. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, to the value of$16,500 for one year Closing date:15 October |
| Details:To support postgraduate students who are enrolled, or intending to enrol, in a PhD or Part II of an MSc degree in either Astronomy or Astrophysics at UC. Value:Financial assistance at a value of at least $2,000 for 120 points of enrolment. Closing date:15 October |
| Details:To support research in astronomy at UC, especially that research which is carried out principally at Mount John University Observatory. Value:The funds can be used to provide grants for the purpose of travel and approved living expenses, research equipment and any other purpose that benefits or promotes the astronomical work of astronomy staff or students at UC in relation to Mt John Observatory.The amount of any award will be determined by the Selection Committee. Closing date:Enquiries and applications should be directed to theHead of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
| Details:To support to a promising UC student to continue studying Economics in a research-based degree at the postgraduate level at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | سԹ.In the year of application, applicants must have been enrolled full-time at 300-level at the University for a degree with a major in Economics Value:Financial assistance to the value of $5,000 for one year. Closing date:01 November |
| Details:To encourage graduate study into areas relevant to national security.Applicants must be New سԹcitizens or permanent residents who obtained at least second class honours, division A, or equivalent in their qualifying degree and have completed academic studies in political science, history, economics or some other discipline that may be considered an appropriate foundation for such study.NB: this is ascholarship. Value:Financial assistance up to $50,000 per annum normally for one year. Closing date:01 October |
| Details:To support students studying Computer Science at the سԹ. Applicants must be enrolled in either (a) the final year of an honours degree in Computer Science; (b) a Master's degree in Computer Science; or (c) a PhD in Computer Science. Value:Financial assistance for one year to the value of: (a) $2,000 for honours or masters students doing courses; (b) $7,000 for master's thesis students; or (c) $8,000 for PhD thesis students. Closing date:31 March |
| Details:To support research and teaching in Antarctic Studies in recognition of Antarctica as a continent devoted to "peace and research". Applicants must be either studying for a PhD or in the thesis year of a Master's degree at Gateway Antarctica (UC) in an Antarctic or Southern Ocean related topic. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, to a value of $5,000 for one year. Closing date:30 April -Applications should be sent to:Mary Botting, Gateway Antarctica, سԹ, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch |
| Details:To assist candidates enrolled in a Master's degree in Geography who are likely to incur heavy personal expenses in their thesis research. Value:The funds can be used to provide grants to assist with the costs associated with university study, up to a value of $3,000. Closing date:31 March and 30 September (if funds still available) |
| Details:To financially assist Master’s and PhD research thesis students in the Department of Geography with expenses involved in attending conferences.Students must be enrolled at UC in one of the following courses – ENVR690, ENVR790, GEOG690, GEOG695, GEOG790 or GISC690. In addition, the senior supervisor for the ENVR690 and ENVR790 courses must be an academic in the Department of Geography. Value: Financial assistance at the value of up to$2,000 Closing date:31 March or 30 September |
| Details:To provide financial assistance to a student undertaking postgraduate research towards a Masters orDoctoral degreeat a New سԹuniversity or research institution, studying muscular function, including - but not limited to - the causes and treatment of muscular dysfunction.NB: This is aScholarship
Value:Up to $15,000 per annum for up to two years for Master's study or three years for Doctoral study. Closing date:01 October |
| Details:To support the intellectual development of postgraduate students in the field of Economics and to advance research capacity in Economics in New Zealand. Applicants must be Aotearoa New سԹcitizens orholders of New سԹresidence class visas. Value:Tuition fees at the domestic rate plus mentorship and development support for up to 240 points of enrolment. Closing date:30 November (for those planning on commencing in Semester 1), and, if the scholarship was not awarded in the 30 November round, 31 March. |
| Value:Financial assistance at a value determined by funds available and stated in the offer. This typically may include a stipend and/or tuition fee payments. Details:Supports research by students studying full-time for a Master of Science (MSc) or PhD degree in the Faculty of Science in the Schools of Biological Sciences, Earth and Environment or Physical and Chemical Sciences, or in the disciplines of Speech and Hearing or Audiology. Closing date:31 October |
| Details: To support ākonga Māori in the MAud programme at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | سԹ. Value: Financial assistance to the value of $5,000 for one year + an opportunity of mentorship from a member of the New سԹAudiological Society. Closing date: 01 November |
| Details:To support students studying towards a Master’s degree with research on a topic related to the energy field. Applicants must be enrolled in either: (a) a programme for a Master's degree that includes a thesis, dissertation, or research project with a credit weighting of at least 90 points, relating to the energy field in the broadest sense; or (b) a programme for a Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt) degree in Renewable Energy, that includes a 30-point research project. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, at a value of $16,500 for up to 120 points of enrolment. Closing date:31 October |
| Details:To support full-time postgraduate students studying Forestry or Forest Engineering at UC. Applicants need to be enrolled in thesis study for an MForSc, part II of an MSc in Environmental Science (100% supervised by Kura Ngahere | School of Forestry academics) or a PhD programme in Forestry or Forest Engineering. Normally, there may be only two holders of the scholarship at a time, typically one master’s student and one PhD student. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, up to a value of $4,500 per annum; for up to 120 points of enrolment (Masters) or 240 points of enrolment (PhD). Closing date:01 November |
| Details:This fund supports postgraduate students in the Department of Chemistry to present their research results at a national or international conference. Value: One grant up to the value of $750 is available. Closing date: Applications must be made to the Head of the Department of Chemistry by5pm on 10 November. If this is not a business day, it is by 5pm on the next business day. |
| Details:To support postgraduate study in either agricultural or silvicultural science.Applicants must be graduates of a New سԹuniversity and be Aotearoa New سԹcitizens.NB: This is aScholarship.
Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, up to a value of $10,000 for one year. Closing date:01 October |
| Details:To support full-time students for study towards a research master’s degree or a PhD degree in Pure Mathematics at UC. Value:Financial assistance at a value of $5,000 for one year. Closing date:15 May
| Details:To support Master’s research students of biology with an interest in ecology, freshwater fisheries and the Canterbury region. Value:Financial assistance at the value of $5,000, for one year. Closing date:31 March |
| Details: For full-time students studying in a Master's or doctoral programme with research on a topic related to the environment.Eligible areas of study include those focused on conservation, ecological or environmental enhancement research that supports the preservation, amelioration and/or deeper knowledge of New سԹnative flora and fauna species in the natural habitat, as it relates to the wider picture of a healthy biodiversity within New Zealand. Study that incorporates natural solutions to the urban environment is also eligible. Value: Financial assistance to the value of $20,000 per annum for 2 years (Master's) or 3 years (PhD). Closing date: 31 October (only offered every 2 years) |
| Details:This scholarships supports full-time Māori and Pacific postgraduate research students in Ecology or Environmental Science at UC. There may be only two holders of the scholarship at a time: normally one master's student and one PhD student. Applicants must have whakapapa Māori and/or Pacific. Value:Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, to a value of $21,000 per annum; up to a total of 1 year (Masters) or 3 years (PhD). Closing date:01 November |
| Details:To support postgraduate research to help answer strategic and high priority questions around conservation related science in Aotearoa New Zealand.Applicants must be (a) enrolled in, or eligible to enrol in, full time or part time Masters degree; (b) whose proposed course of study includes a minimum research component of 90 points; and (c) whose research focuses on priority questions of importance to Te Papa Atawhai.NB: this is ascholarship. Value:Varies - can be valued up to $15,000. Closing date:01 October (NOT BEING OFFERED 2024) |
| Details:To support students undertaking short term research projects and other experiments to provide a foundation for their studies in the UCGeoHealth Laboratoryat Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | سԹ. Scholarships are made available as projects and funds become available.Recipients must have expressed the intention to undertake a programme of study in the GeoHealth Laboratory at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | سԹ within 12 months of completion of tenure of the scholarship. Value:Financial assistance at a value determined by funds available but is typically no less than $6,000 for 3 months. Closing date:Applications must be made to theGeoHealth Laboratoryby 10 May |
| Details:To recognise and support high-achieving 200-, 300-, or 400-level students majoring in Applied Data Science, Computational and Applied Mathematical Sciences, Data Science, Financial Engineering, Mathematics, or Statistics at the سԹ. Applicants must be enrolled in at least 60 points of the above courses (not including any thesis course). Value:Financial assistance at the value of: (a) $5,000 (Category A awards); (b) $2,500 (Category B awards); (c) $1,000 (Category C awards) Closing date:31 March