The following are some of the scholarship options that assist towards accommodation costs.
Go Waitaha Canterbury Scholarships
For students with strong academic potential but who are facing challenges to affording university accommodation costs. These scholarships offer $15,000 towards accommodation fees plus educational outdoor recreational field trips and a personal and professional development programme in the first year of study. Applicants must be Year 13 students who attended school and/or living outside of the Greater Christchurch area and who are eligible to receive StudyLink student allowance. Check the Incoming First-Year Scholarships page for more details and how to apply.
Applications closed 15 August.
Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries
Up to of $2,500 are available to female students (6 for incoming first-year students intending to enrol in their first year of study, and 4 available for students studying at other levels). Students must be residents of a UC-recognised hall of residence during the tenure of the bursary.泭Check the Incoming First-Year Scholarships page for more details and how to apply.
Applications closed 15 August.
Halls of Residence Scholarships
The following Halls of Residence offer their own scholarships which you can apply for directly with them. See their websites below for details.