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Conducting responsible research

17 September 2024

Enhance your expertise in how to conduct academic research with integrity, including ethics and Māori consultation as well as risk management and sustainability.

Research integrity and ethics

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity involves acting honestly, ethically, fairly, and respecting others in teaching, learning, research, and administration. It means producing honest, ethical work and it's one of the key foundations of being a good student.

Learn more about academic integrity, a key principle at UC through this online .

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism means using another author’s words or ideas without proper acknowledgement. This workshop offered by the Academic Skills Centre covers the different forms of plagiarism and teaches strategies for avoiding it in your academic writing.

  • Next date to be confirmed

Copyright and your Thesis

Copyright is a form of intellectual property. It is a legal right that automatically arises when an original work is created, for example an artwork, literary work, musical work, film or sound recording.

Find out more about through this resource provided by the library.

Demystifying the Ethics Process

Will your research require ethics approval? Not sure whether it does? Come along to this session, in which the co-chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) will share insights about the need for research ethics committee review and how the HREC works at UC. There will also be opportunities to discuss ethical issues related to your own project to help enhance your research journey.

  • Next date to be confirmed
Risk management

Research Data Management

Research Data Management is becoming increasingly important. Creating a plan at the beginning of your project enables you to be more efficient with regards to data creation, be compliant with regulations and policies and address who is responsible for what.

Develop your knowledge by using the سԹ’s and make use of the eResearch Consultancy service or the weekly .

Data Handling

Good data organization is the foundation of any research project. Most researchers have data in spreadsheets, so it’s the place that many research projects start.

In order to use tools that make computation more efficient, such as programming languages like R or Python, we need to structure our data the way that computers need the data. Since this is where most research projects start, this is where we want to start too!

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • Good data entry practices - formatting data tables in spreadsheets

  • How to avoid common formatting mistakes

  • Approaches for handling dates in spreadsheets

  • Basic quality control and data manipulation in spreadsheets

  • Exporting data from spreadsheets

  • Next date to be confirmed


Considering sustainability andhow your research fits into the global research environment is a vital component of your development as a researcher.

This can range from reflecting on how your research addresses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to developing a systems thinking approach.

Sustainability AKO | LEARN Module

This online module focuses on how your research aligns with the SDGs. It is made up of 4 parts:

  • Part 1: Sustainability and the SDGs. Learn about the SDGs and why they matter.
  • Part 2: Sustainability and being a researcher in Aotearoa New سԹand beyond.
  • Part 3: Faculty talks.Choose two or more short talks from UC Faculty experts discussing how their research is related to sustainability and the SDGs.
  • Part 4: Reflections

You can access the AJO | LEARN module .

Sustainability Research Impact – Applying Systems Thinking

In this face-to-face workshop delivered by the Academic Skills Centre you will become aware of the potential of your research to impact sustainability challenges. Learn how to analyse your research topic from multiple perspectives and draw meaningful connections between your ideas. This workshop will equip you with the skills to develop a systemic understanding of your topic and the ability to see its place within the bigger picture of current and future sustainability challenges.

Offered twice a year:

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