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Researcher development

02 July 2024

Researcher development is a crucial aspect of the research journey at UC.

Te Kura Tāura has put together a Researcher Development Framework which enables research students and their supervisory teams to plan their development more effectively.


Researcher development is a crucial aspect of the research journey at UC. Writing a thesis not only requires students to hone their research skills, they also need to navigate a number of milestones and associated processes during their time here.

Undertaking such a considerable research project requires a number of transferable skills such as project and time management, a high level of resilience and flexible thinking and a good understanding of the bicultural context that research takes place in here in Aotearoa. Furthermore, it is vital that students consider the different career pathways that their research degree enables them to pursue and how they can prepare for these.

Researcher Development Framework

Te Kura Tāura has put together a Researcher Development Framework which enables research students and their supervisory teams to plan their development more effectively. Divided into transferable, research and employability skills, the framework brings together all relevant development opportunities at UC and enables students to participate in workshops and training opportunities that are relevant to their research journey.

Students are strongly encouraged to use the Researcher Development Framework (an overview can be downloaded here) to plan their development in their supervisory meetings. Students can register for workshops and events using the Events Calendar and are also able to book an appointment with a kaitoko from Te Kura Tāura to discuss suitable training and development options.

Te Kura Tāura Researcher Development Framework

Download (application/pdf, 102 KB)
Transferable skills

Gain knowledge and skills to successfully navigate research milestones and processes for your candidature with your supervisory team.

  • Preparing for Milestones
  • Working with Your Supervisory Team

Develop key competencies to enhance your knowledge of Te Ao Māori, wellbeing, resilience and personal effectiveness.

  • Personal Effectiveness
  • Wellbeing
  • Understanding of Te Ao Māori in Aotearoa
  • Bicultural Context
Research skills

Enhance your expertise in how to conduct academic research with integrity, including ethics and Māori consultation as well as risk management.

  • Research Integrity and Ethics
  • Risk Management
  • Sustainability

Advance your research design, academic writing and communication skills and learn about research tools that can assist with your research.

  • Research Design and Methods
  • Giving Effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi through Research
  • Digital Research Tools
  • Academic Writing and Publishing
  • Communicating Your Research
Employability skills

Delve deeper into key aspects of being an academic researcher including planning for research impact, teaching and tutoring and grant writing.

  • Collaboration and Engagement
  • Planning for Impact
  • Funding and Grant Writing
  • Teaching and Tutoring

Gain insights into how you can plan and prepare for your career and translate your skills and ideas throughout your research journey.

  • Career Planning
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Translating Your Skills for Non-Academic Careers

Need help navigating these opportunities?Book an appointment with aTe Kura Tāura kaitoko.

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