You can also choose to opt-out of all interloans notices (Do not send library account updates to me). However, we advise against this as this is how we communicate recall notices, overdues, and important messages related to your requests. NB: this option will only opt you out of Interloan nofications not standard library notices.
How can I request a renewal of my interloan?
In your account, a button to renew should appear beside the request you want to renew. This sends a request to renew straight to the library that loaned it to us. The due date in your library account will just display the same due date (not “requested to renew” etc.), until that library has approved or denied your request – this may take up to 1-2 days.
Can I cancel my Interloan request?
In your account, a button to cancel should appear beside the request you want to cancel. If it doesn’t, it may already have been posted to us – but you can still cancel bycontacting interloans staff.
Why do I see an error message when I log out?
If you try to log out and see an error message, please disregard the message and close your browser down. This is a known error that will be fixed.