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Harmful Sexual Behaviour

10 May 2024

We want you to feel safe and supported. Find out what to do if you or someone you know has experienced harmful sexual behaviour.


The next steps you take are your choice. You can seek support for anything that has happened, at any time, whether it is recent or in the past.

What is harmful sexual behaviour?

Harmful sexual behaviour is an overarching term to describe behaviour of a sexual nature that is not consented to.

Consent involves ongoing and mutual communication, decision-making and free and voluntary agreement between everyone involved.

For more information, click the link below.

If you, or someone you know, are feeling unsafe on campus:

  • Call UC security on 0800 823 637 or press the red button on a Help Point Tower (blue light) for assistance.
  • UC Security will take the appropriate steps to ensure your safety and access to support can contact emergency and medical help if needed.

If you need immediate medical help, call 111. Say "ambulance" and tell them where you are.

If you are in danger and need help now, call 111. Say "police" and tell them where you are.

Forensic Assessment

After experiencing harmful sexual behaviour, you may choose to have a forensic assessment. This is where a specially trained doctor tries to collect evidence which may be used in a criminal investigation.

The Cambridge Clinic, a specialist medical service, offers forensic assessments 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Cambridge Clinic will advise whether a forensic assessment is appropriate, and will also offer a health and wellbeing check-up.

It’s best to collect evidence and also receive medical care as soon as possible after an incident, however, it can sometimes be done up to seven days afterwards.

If you are undecided about police involvement, the Cambridge Clinic can discuss your options to help you make an informed choice. If you are still undecided, they can also perform a forensic assessment in case you choose to involve police at a later date.

Health and Wellbeing Check-up

The Cambridge Clinic can provide Health & Wellbeing Check-ups in their weekday daytime clinics for both recent and historic sexual harm. This includes medical care such as practical and emotional support, prescribing emergency contraception and performing pregnancy testing, testing for/treating sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and referring to other support services. The Cambridge Clinic can help you make an informed choice about police involvement. Police can be involved anytime, even if a forensic assessment has not been performed.

Find out more about the Cambridge Clinic by clicking the button below.

Support options

If you have experienced harmful sexual behaviour, the next steps you take are your choice. You can seek support for anything that has happened, at any time, whether it is recent or in the past. There are dedicated support teams at UC for students and staff and there's help in the community. Find out about harmful sexual behaviour support below.

Support on campus for students

There are Support Services at UC that can talk through support and reporting options including providing advice and support, exploring ways to help you feel safe on campus, exploring academic support options if your studies are being impacted and connecting you with community support services.

To access support, contact one of our teams below.

The UC Health Centre also offers health care (for enrolled patients) and short term counselling to support you in processing your experience and moving forward in your healing journey. Contact the team below.

Supports in the community

In the community, there is a range of support available if you have experienced harmful sexual behaviour. Click the drop down to explore community support options, including 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Safe to Talk | Kōrero mai ka ora(24 hours a day, seven days a week)

Sexual Harm Helpline offering free and 
confidential contact with a trained specialist, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Interpreter services available for 44 languages. Text and chat services suitable for Deaf/hearing impaired.

0800 044 334 | Text 4334 | Online chat:|support@safetotalk.nz

Aviva’s Sexual Violence Team(24 hours a day, seven days a week)

Aviva’s Sexual Violence Team provides sexual violence support to adult victim-survivors and their close family, whānau and friends in the Canterbury region.

0800 28482 669 |enquiries@aviva.org.nz

Cambridge Clinic(24 hours a day, seven days a week)

The Cambridge Clinic is a specialist sexual assault medical service which offers both urgent medical and forensic assessments and booked health and wellbeing check-ups after both recent and historic sexual harm.

The Cambridge Clinic accepts referrals for anybody, including self-referrals. Usually the quickest way to get a forensic assessment after recent sexual harm is to contact Christchurch Police on 03 363 7400.

03 366 0067 |

Te Puna Oranga(24 hours a day, seven days a week)

Te Puna Oranga is a Kaupapa Māori Service, working with whānau affected by sexual violence and trauma. This includes 24/7 phone manaaki, someone to kōrero with who will whakarongo in 
a safe and confidential manner.

0800 222 042 |info@tepunaoranga.co.nz

ACC Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims

Through the Sensitive Claims Service, ACC offer fully funded support, treatment and assessment services for survivors of sexual abuse or assault in Aotearoa New Zealand, including visitors to the country.

To start the process, you can visit ACC's Find Support website to find a therapy provider.You can also talk to your General Practitioner, Nurse or another health provider and ask for their help to make a claim to ACC.

0800 735 566 |

START Healing

START provides early intervention, counselling
and support for children, youth, adults and their families who have experienced sexual violence or other trauma.

03 355 4414 | admin@starthealing.org |

Burnett Foundation Aotearoa

Free and confidential short-term counselling for Rainbow and Takatāpui People (including trans and gender diverse people) andMSM communities.

OutLine Aotearoa

OutLine Aotearoa is an all-ages Rainbow mental health organisation that provides support throughout Aotearoa to Takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and Rainbow communities, their friends, whānau, and those questioning. They offer a nationwide, free and confidential support line and online chat support service between 6pm-9pm every day.

0800 688 5463 (6pm-9pm) or via chat:

Male Survivors Canterbury

Support service for men dealing with sexual 
trauma including counselling, support groups, 
peer support and advocacy.

03 365 9000 | Text 022 302 4966 (SMS only)

Shama Ethnic Women's Trust

Support for ethnic women and children including crisis support line and referral to counselling and therapy.

Reporting options

We want you to feel safe and confident to speak up and to be heard. There are formal and informal ways to report harmful sexual behaviour at UC.

Our UC Support Services can provide guidance and support regarding reporting options.

Click the buttons below to explore making an anonymous report or formal complaint.

Police Reporting

The Police have specialised sexual assault teams that will talk you through the process of what happens next. To find out more about police reporting options, click the button below.

Your safety and security is our concern

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