Our society relies on software or software-based systems, for example in transportation, entertainment, telecommunications, government, business, health, avionics, and many other areas. These systems often have a high degree of complexity, consisting of millions of lines of code produced by large teams of engineers or programmers.
We also critically depend on the timely and cost-effective completion of such systems, and on their reliable and efficient operation. To meet all these targets, a disciplined and well-founded approach to the design, creation and operation of software (or software-based systems) under real-world constraints (economical, ethical, technical, legal) is needed.
The software engineering programme provides a unique blend of foundational courses in computer science and engineering, and practical work through a series of projects. The projects provide excellent opportunities to develop skills as a team player, to develop creative solutions to complex and challenging problems, to implement these solutions and turn them into usable systems, and to work with recent and exciting software technologies.