Education in NZ
The School System
Schooling in NZ is compulsory from 6 years old to 16 years of age. In general, the school year runs from January until December over 4 terms.
State Schools or Public Schools – can be single sex or coeducational and are funded by the state however some will ask for a school ‘donation’ to help with the education of your child.
State Integrated Schools – have a special character, for example, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Montessori and Rudolf Steiner.
Private Schools – primarily single sex but can be coeducational. Fees are charged.
reports (Education Review Office) - report on schools and early childhood education and can be a useful resource when deciding on a school.
– Most schools in New سԹhave a school enrolment zone. If you live inside the zone, your child is guaranteed a place in that school. If you do not live in zone, you can apply as an out of zone student if there are extra places.