Inland Revenue (IRD) is the New سԹgovernment’s tax department. Individuals and businesses in New سԹmust pay tax on their income, commonly known as Pay-As-You-Earn or PAYE. The Government also collects tax from the sale of some goods and services; GST.
There are a number of key attractions to New Zealand’s tax system. No inheritance tax, general capital gains tax, local or regional taxes, healthcare or social security taxes.
Income Tax
New سԹhas progressive or gradual tax rates. The rates increase as an individual’s income increases with the top rate being 39% income over $180,000.
To check the current tax rates, please visit
Applying for an IRD Number
You will require an IRD number to be paid you salary.
Information on how to apply for an IRD number for free is available on the Inland Revenue website .
You are also able to apply at a nearby (AA) Centre where you can enquire about their fast-track option.
Tax exemption for new migrants
If you are a new migrant, you may not have to pay tax on most of your overseas income for your first 4 years living here. This means you may only have to pay income tax on what you earn in New Zealand.
For more information on visit Inland Revenue’s website.
Good and Services Tax – GST
GST is a flat tax rate of 15% and is normally included in the price of most goods and services when you buy them, including some you buy from overseas suppliers. Things that do not have GST applied include residential rents, airfares for overseas travel, financial services and mortgage payments.
For more information on New Zealand’s tax system, please visit .