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Tech-Assisted Learning

14 May 2024

UC offers students a range of assistive technology tools for accessing information, creating and presenting content, and undertaking research.

Please be aware that some features (like grammar, spelling, predictive, speech recognition, and translator tools) within the assistive technology software applications mentioned on this website may be powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and may not be permitted by your academic department.

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Hangarau Āheinga | Assistive Technology provides this list as only a guide to proprietary and open source software and does not accept liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of this information. In particular, it is important for students to investigate and understand if use of any particular app is permissible in each assessment.

Assistive technologies include a range of app types, some of which rely on generative and/or other forms of AI, with app types ever evolving. Note that using certain apps may result in AI detector reports indicating potential generative AI use regardless of whether or not generative prompts were employed when using an app. This can include using translation software*. Note that writing “in your own words” generally means writing unassisted by any form of generative AI or translation app.

To keep yourself safe from allegations of Academic Misconduct, it is best to carefully examine assessment instructions regards the use of apps-if in doubt as to whether their use is permissible, seek clarity from the examiner responsible for the assessment. Be aware if app usage is ok as a preparatory tool as well as for assessment production (e.g., exam study is a form of preparation while sitting a take-home exam is when you produce the exam answer– using an AI app during study for such an exam may put you at risk of the AI material being incorporated into your eventual exam answers if you use your study notes during the exam).

Current UC Academic Integrity guidance states that where the use of AI tools is permitted, and declared and referenced as required, it is still important to verify the authenticity and correctness of any content by checking original sources (e.g., to avoid AI ‘hallucination’ or bias issues). In addition, using AI tools when this is not explicitly permitted, or in circumstances where it is permitted but the use of an app (including but not limited to generative and non-generative AI and/or translation software) has not been declared or referenced correctly, will constitute academic misconduct and may have serious consequences.

*If you are struggling to study in English, we encourage you to engage with the Academic Skills Centre (which has workshops to help students with English study skills) and to let your lecturers know.

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