Special Consideration Applications must be泭submitted no later than泭FIVE WORKING DAYS after the assessment due date.泭
You will receive an email notification泭once your application has been received.泭 A further email will be sent once the grounds of the application have been assessed to advise you of the decision on the泭grounds泭of the application. If the grounds are approved, this relevant Department will be notified so they can apply an academic remedy.
For an overview of the process please view the泭Special Consideration Procedure泭document.泭 For more detailed information, please read all the information contained on this page, in particular the information in relation to your supporting evidence before you submit your application.
Please note:泭 If the academic remedy for a special consideration for late discontinuation from a course (or courses) is approved, this does not provide a refund of fees.泭 It only removes the relevant course(s) from a student's transcript.泭 Information in relation to fees refunds can be found here.泭
Need to apply for a Special Consideration? Apply here, or contact us for more information
Contact us
Primary Contact email:泭specialconsideration@canterbury.ac.nz