MÄtauranga MÄori
MÄtauranga MÄori is taught every two years with the next intake starting in 2025.
MÄ te ara MÄtauranga MÄori kei Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako koutou e whai mÅhiotanga mÅ ngÄ mahi o te kaiako kei ngÄ whare kÅhungahunga me ngÄ kura tuatahi, mai i te taumata reo 2 (51%+ te reo MÄori). Ka oti tÄ“nei tohu i a koe, kei a koe ngÄ pÅ«kenga whakaako ki rÅ Kura Aunoa / Kura Auraki, kei reira e whakanuia ana te reo MÄori me Åna tikanga, ngÄ mÅhiotanga o ngÄ take kÄkanorua rua me ngÄ ahurea whakamana i te tipu mai o te tamaiti.
The MÄtauranga MÄori Initial Teacher Education pathway will equip you to work in whare kÅhungahunga (early childhood) and/or kura tuatahi (primary) settings working at level 2 (51–80% te reo MÄori immersion) or higher. A graduate of the MÄtauranga MÄori programme has the ability to work in bilingual English medium educational settings, where knowledge of te reo MÄori me Åna tikanga, bicultural practice, and culturally empowering pedagogies are valued as a means to support child development.