

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Procedures for visitors

10 July 2024
Where am I?

Please contact the CSSE secretary for your username and password, and the room and phone number that you have been allocated.

If you need help

Administrative assistance: Ext 92777 - CSSE Administrator.
Technical assistance: Ext 92773 (9CSSE) - Duty Programmer.

Username and Mail Identities

You will be issued with a single username and password that should allow you access to the internet, and all university computer systems that you are authorised to use. The username with have the formatXXXnn, whereXXXare three characters (incorporating your initials) and two or three digits.

Your e-mail address will be: "CommonName.FamilyName@canterbury.ac.nz".

Workstation Operating Systems and Logging in

There are three main operating systems supported on workstations at CSSE: Linux (Linux Mint), Windows and MacOS. If you have a workstation running Linux Mint you will be able to run Windows in a virtual machine by double-clicking the Windows 7 icon on the desktop. Again, the username and password to use is the one provided.


Nothing additional.


Nothing additional.


On a Windows system there are three fields:

  • User name:
  • Password:
  • Log on to:

The user name and password are those issued to you and the "log on to:" value should beUOCNT.


The default e-mail clients used are Thunderbird on Linux and Microsoft Outlook on Windows systems.

Your e-mail address will be:CommonName.FamilyName@canterbury.ac.nz

If you are prompted for a username and password, use the ones issued to you.

The following are possible on all OSs:

  • Retrieve your e-mail from an off campus mail-server.
  • Access to your UC e-mail via a web-browser while off campus and in fact while anywhere in the world.

The following are available on Linux:

  • Set-up an automatic response message.
  • Forward e-mail to an alternative address.

Browsing the Web

You have two choices when browsing the web while on campus (or attached to the UC network via dial-in), you can either browse via the ICTS proxy server or you can be directly connected using software called IEnabler; ICTS provide details on the use of.

If you are not using IEnabler and you attempt to browse a non-UC web-page, you will be prompted for your username and password; this should only happen once per browsing session.


A version of IEnabler written for Linux is available from the system menu calledPIE - Python Internet Enabler.


Nothing additional.


In most cases you will want to use IEnabler. This should have been configured correctly for you when your computer and user profile was setup.

Using printers

There are a number of printers commonly accessible: A colour and a black and white laser printer in the staff resource room (206); also the laser printer in the graduate resource room (334).


The list below gives the printers that can be used with thelprcommand.

lpr -Pprinter

Printer NameDescription
CSSE-Erskine206laser in 206
CSSE-Erskine206-Colcolour printer in 206
CSSE-Erskine334_FollowYoulaser in 334


Nothing aditional.


Nothing aditional.

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