

Wananga landing Wananga landing


22 November 2023

Courses are the ‘papers’ that make up your chosen qualification.


Each course has a point value and you will be eligible to graduate when you have completed enough courses to reach the required number of points for your chosen qualification.

Each course is identified by a unique course code made up of a four-letter abbreviation for the subject and a number (the first digit of which indicates the level of the course, eg: ECON104.)

Students usually take 100-level courses in their first year, 200-level in their second year and 300-level in their third year.

Course codes

Each courseat UC has a course code made up of a four-letter subject code and a three-digit number, for example 'PHYS339'. The subject code indicates the subject of the course, while the first digit of the number indicates the level of the course.

A course occurrence code includes additional information on when and where a course is held (year, semester, and site). A course can have multiple occurrence codes if it is offered in multiple semesters and/or multiple locations (such as on campus and online).

Diagram of course code components
Course subject codes

The four letter subject codeindicates the subject of the course or the Department or School that teaches it, for example 'Physics' is represented by the subject code 'PHYS'. The subject codes currently in use at UC are listed below:


Accounting - ACCT
Accounting and Information Systems - ACIS
Aerospace Engineering - ENAS
Antarctic Studies - ANTA
Anthropology - ANTH
Applied Psychology - APSY
Architectural Engineering - ENAE
Arts - ARTS
Art Curatorship - ARTC
Art History and Theory - ARTH
Art History - ARTH
Art Theory - ARTT
Astronomy - ASTR
Audiology - CMDS/HEAR


Biochemistry - BCHM
Bioengineering - ENBI
Biological Sciences - BIOL
Biosecurity - BIOS
Biotechnology - BIOT
Business - BSNS
Business Administration - MBAD
Business Information Systems - MBIS
Business Management - MBUS


Cellular and Molecular Biology - CEMB
Chemical and Process Engineering - ENCH
Chemistry - CHEM
Child and Family Psychology - CFPY
Chinese - CHIN
Cinema Studies - CINE
Civil Engineering - ENCI/ENCN
Classics - CLAS
Communication Disorders - CMDS/SPSC
Computational and Applied Mathematics - CAMS
Computer Engineering - ENCE
Computer Science - COSC
Construction Management - ENCM
Counselling - COUN
Creative Practice - CRPR
Criminal Justice - CRJU
Cultural Studies - CULT


Data Science - DATA
Digital Humanities - DIGI
Digital Screen - DISC
Disaster Risk and Resilience - DRRE


Early Childhood Teaching - AKOE
Earthquake Engineering - ENEQ
Ecology - ECOL
Economics - ECON
Education - EDUC/CHCH/EHRE/ED**
Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ENEL
Engineering - ENGR
Engineering Geology - ENGE
Engineering Management - ENMG
Engineering Mathematics - EMTH
English - ENGL
English Language - ENLA
Environmental Science - ENVR
European and European Union Studies - EURA
European Studies - EURO
Renewable Energy Engineering - ENRE


Finance - FINC
Finance and Economics - FIEC
Financial Management - MFIN
Fine Arts - FINA
Fire Engineering - ENFE
Forest Engineering - ENFO
Forestry - FORE
French - FREN


Gender Studies - GEND
Geographic Information Science - GISC
Geography - GEOG
Geology - GEOL
German - GRMN
Graphic Design - DESI


Hazard and Disaster Management –HAZM
Health Sciences -HLTH/HLED
Higher Education -HEDN
History -HIST
Hōaka Pounamu -EDHP
Human-Animal Studies -HUAN
Human Interface Technology -HITD
Human Services -HSRV


Indigenous Narrative – TITO
Information Systems - INFO
Innovation - INOV
International Law and Politics - ILAP


Japanese - JAPA
Journalism - JOUR


Linguistics - LING


Management - MGMT
Māori and Indigenous Leadership - TIRA
Māori and Indigenous Studies - MAOR
Māori Innovation - MINN
Marketing - MKTG
MātaurangaMāori - AKOM
Mathematical Physics - MAPH
Mathematics - MATH
Mathematics and Philosophy - MPHI
Mechanical Engineering - ENME
Mechatronics Engineering - ENMT
Media and Communication - COMS
Medical Physics - MDPH
Medical Physics (Clinical) - MPHC
Microbiology - MBIO
Moving Image - MOVI


Natural Resources Engineering - ENNR/ENCN
Nursing - NURS


Pacific Studies - PACS
Painting - PAIN
Philosophy - PHIL
Photography - PHOT
Physics - PHYS
Political Science and International Relations - POLS
Primary Teaching - AKOP
Printmaking - PRIN
Professional and Community Engagement - PACE
Professional Accounting - MPAC/MBAZ
Product Design - PROD
Psychology - PSYC


Russian - RUSS


Science - SCIE
Science Education - SCED
Science, Māori and Indigenous Knowledge - SCIM
Sculpture - SCUL
Social and Environmental Sustainability - SENS
Social Work - SOWK
Sociology - SOCI
Software Engineering - SENG
Soil Science - SOIL
Spanish - SPAN
Speech and Language Pathology - CMDS/SPSC
Sport Coaching - SPCO
Sport Science - SSCI
Statistics - STAT


Taxation - TAXA
Teacher Education - TE**/AKOT/AKOA
Te Reo Māori - TREO
Te Whare Pūrākau - TAKI
Translation and Interpreting - TRIN
Transportation Engineering - ENTR


Water Resource Management / Water Science and Management - WATR
Writing - WRIT


Youth and Community Leadership - YACL

Course code numbers

All courses have a threedigitnumberfollowing the subject code. The first digit indicates the level of the course:

0XX- preparatory level course

1XX- first year or introductory level course

2XX/ 3XX- intermediate and advanced undergraduate level course

4XX / 5XX / 6XX- honours, graduate, postgraduate, and master's level course

7XX- doctoral level course

Semester indicator

A semester is a period over which a course is offered:

S1 - Semester 1
- Semester 2

W - Whole Year

FY- Full Year
CY - Cross Year
X - General non-calendar based
A - Any Time Start

T1 - Term One
- Term Two
- Term Three
- Term Four

B1- Bridging 1 (Term 1)
B2- Bridging 2 (Term 2)
B3- Bridging 3 (Term 3)
B4- Bridging 4 (Term 4)

YA- Full Year A
YA1- Full Year First Half
YA2- Full Year Second Half
YC- Full Year C
YC1- Year C First Half
YC2- Year C Second Half

SU1- Summer 1 (January start)
SU2- Summer 2 (November start)

Dates for each of these semesters can be found on theKey Enrolment Datespage.

Site code

The site code indicates where the course is taught:

A- The Arts Centre, Christchurch

C - on-campus in Christchurch

D - by distance

E - extramural

M - Manawa campus, Christchurch

N - Nelson

O - UC Online

R- Rotorua

Estimate your fees

Enter yourcourse codesto search and select a group of courses you are interested in studying, and find out how much they would cost to study.

(For programmes without a set programme fee.)

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