Talk title & speakers | Time, date & location |
Private Business Wealth and Rates of Return in the United States -Federal Reserve Board | 3pm, Friday, 14 February > Meremere 236 |
Asymmetric Inflation Target Credibility -Freie Universität Berlin | 3pm, Friday, 21 February > Meremere 236 |
Beauty and Professional Success: A Meta-Analysis -Charles University, Prague | 3pm, Friday, 7 March > Meremere 236 |
Equal Performance, Unequal Flows: The Gender Gap in Fund Management -University of Cambridge | 3pm, Friday, 14 March > Meremere 236 |
Tainted beginnings, risky endings: The effect of inadvertent prenatal pollution exposure on CEO risk-taking -University of Cambridge | 3pm, Friday, 16 May > Meremere 236 |