

Wananga landing
Wananga landing

Availability of accommodation at the Mt John field station

20 November 2023

Check availability of accommodation at Mt John field station.


The acommodation at Mt John is for astronomers working at Mt John and other UC researchers undertaking fieldwork in the Mackenzie area.

Maximum occupancy is 12 beds.

Accommodation at the One Meter Building

1-Feb-2531-Oct-25MOA, research, PT, dates TBC1
10-Mar-2414-Mar-24BIOL, research, MJ (2 bunkrooms)4
10-Mar-2415-Mar-24SPCS, research, MS1
15-Mar-2516-Mar-25SPCS, ASTR112 tripfull
15-Mar-2521-Mar-25SPCS, research, KP ra QA-D1
22-Mar-2523-Mar-25SPCS, ASTR112 trip 5, KPFull
26-Mar-2529-Mar-25SPCS, research, CW3
26-Mar-2531-Mar-25SPCS, research, EB1
26-Mar-251-Apr-25SPCE, research, HS-W1
28-Mar-2529-Mar-25Otago Museum, IG2
29-Mar-2530-Mar-25SPCS, ASTR112 trip 6, KPFull
1-Apr-258-Apr-25SPCS, research, ZL1
5-Apr-256-Apr-25SPCS, ASTR112 trip 7, KPFull
15-Apr-2517-Apr-25SPCS, EPS Astr School, KP4
17-Apr-2522-Apr-25SPCS, research, KP ra, EB1
18-Apr-2522-Apr-25SPCS, research, ZL1
22-Apr-2523-Apr-25SPCS, ASTR112 trip, KPFull
24-Apr-2525-Apr-25SPCS, ASTR112 trip, KPFull
25-Apr-2527-Apr-25Otago Museum, research, IG2
30-Apr-256-May-25SPCS, research, HS-W1
30-Apr-257-May-25SPCS, research, KP ra, HS-W1
23-Aug-258-Sept-25SPCS, ASTR211 teaching trips, CWFull

Any questions? Contact the Field Services Manager

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