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Research Ethics Support

14 June 2024

Access resources and support to guide you through issues crucial for ethics approval.


Legislation, data sovereignty, institutional policies and other ethical considerations impact how we collect, store, analyse, and share research data. Below is a collection of resources to guide you through topics such as human and animal ethics, privacy, Mori data sovereignty, and policies around managing research data.

Our eResearch Consultants are available to support your ethics application where it relates to data storage, digital tools, and research data management. See our pages on:

  • Data Management Plans: Our eResearch Consultants can help you create a DMP
  • Data Classification: Our eResearch Consultants can help you select the most appropriate storage solution for your research that complies with your ethics approval
  • Data Storage
  • Data Retention

UC Ethics

For more information on Human Ethics, please see the UC Human Ethics page.

For more information about Animal Ethics, please see the UC Animal Ethics page.

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