Applied Data Science
Build data science capability onto your study background. -
Applied Data Science
Build data science capability onto your study background. -
Applied Data Science
Architectural Engineering
UC offers practice-focused qualifications on technical and design architecture skills. -
Architectural Engineering
UC offers practice-focused qualifications on technical and design architecture skills. -
Architectural Engineering
Art History and Theory
Toi o Nehe, Toi Ari
Develop expertise in how to look at things in detail, and gain insight into histories and cultures. -
Art History and Theory
Toi o Nehe, Toi Ari
Develop expertise in how to look at things in detail, and gain insight into histories and cultures. -
Art History and Theory
Mtai Kkrangi
Carry out intensive research on the Universe with access to advanced technologies.
Mtai Kkrangi
Carry out intensive research on the Universe with access to advanced technologies.
Audiology coursework trains professional clinical audiologists in acoustics, psychoacoustics, and neuroscience. -
Audiology coursework trains professional clinical audiologists in acoustics, psychoacoustics, and neuroscience. -
Mtai Mat贖 Koiora
Postgraduate Biochemistry examines subjects as diverse as pharmaceuticals and nanotechnology. -
Mtai Mat贖 Koiora
Postgraduate Biochemistry examines subjects as diverse as pharmaceuticals and nanotechnology. -
Create medical engineering technologies for rehabilitation, therapeutics, and medical informatics. -
Create medical engineering technologies for rehabilitation, therapeutics, and medical informatics. -
Biological Sciences
Postgraduate study allows in-depth and targeted research into biological fields, from oceanography to food production. -
Biological Sciences
Postgraduate study allows in-depth and targeted research into biological fields, from oceanography to food production. -
Biological Sciences
Develop knowledge of biochemical, molecular, and evolutionary processes and economical solutions. -
Develop knowledge of biochemical, molecular, and evolutionary processes and economical solutions. -
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Study one of the most fundamental sciences in understanding organisms. -
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Study one of the most fundamental sciences in understanding organisms. -
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Chemical and Process Engineering
P贖hanga Mat贖, Tukanga
Postgraduate study offers research and development of new products and processes. -
Chemical and Process Engineering
P贖hanga Mat贖, Tukanga
Postgraduate study offers research and development of new products and processes. -
Chemical and Process Engineering
Mtai Mat贖
Chemistry propels advances in modern society and has an important role in solving global challenges. -
Mtai Mat贖
Chemistry propels advances in modern society and has an important role in solving global challenges. -
The Chinese language courses offered at UC are suitable for a range of learners, including business people. -
The Chinese language courses offered at UC are suitable for a range of learners, including business people. -
Cinema Studies
Mtai Kiriata
Our courses reflect the global scope of film history by covering a wide range of films and directors through the eras. -
Cinema Studies
Mtai Kiriata
Our courses reflect the global scope of film history by covering a wide range of films and directors through the eras. -
Cinema Studies
Civil Engineering
P贖hanga Metarahi
Civil Engineering graduates can be found working in structural, geotechnical, transportation, and environmental fields. -
Civil Engineering
P贖hanga Metarahi
Civil Engineering graduates can be found working in structural, geotechnical, transportation, and environmental fields. -
Civil Engineering
Classics - postgraduate
Classics courses teach Latin and Greek languages, and the history, literature, and art of the ancient world. -
Classics - postgraduate
Classics courses teach Latin and Greek languages, and the history, literature, and art of the ancient world. -
Classics - postgraduate
Clinical Psychology
This programme uses a strong practical component to facilitate understanding of real people and their experiences. -
Clinical Psychology
This programme uses a strong practical component to facilitate understanding of real people and their experiences. -
Clinical Psychology
Computational and Applied Mathematical Sciences
A postgraduate discipline and a fast-growing area dealing with big data. -
Computational and Applied Mathematical Sciences
A postgraduate discipline and a fast-growing area dealing with big data. -
Computational and Applied Mathematical Sciences
Computer Science
An analysis of user needs and creating appropriate solutions.
Computer Science
An analysis of user needs and creating appropriate solutions.
Computer Science
Construction Management
Postgraduate learning taught in block course mode allowing professionals to upskill while working. -
Construction Management
Postgraduate learning taught in block course mode allowing professionals to upskill while working. -
Construction Management
Cultural Studies
Mtai Ahurea
Develop advanced skills in critical thinking while studying a range of cultural forms.
Cultural Studies
Mtai Ahurea
Develop advanced skills in critical thinking while studying a range of cultural forms.
Cultural Studies
Disaster Risk and Resilience
This is an interdisciplinary field around natural, social, and political sciences and the economics of disaster reduction.
Disaster Risk and Resilience
This is an interdisciplinary field around natural, social, and political sciences and the economics of disaster reduction.
Disaster Risk and Resilience
Earthquake Engineering
A range of postgraduate qualifications, endorsed in Earthquake Engineering, are available at UC. -
Earthquake Engineering
A range of postgraduate qualifications, endorsed in Earthquake Engineering, are available at UC. -
Earthquake Engineering
Conduct more in-depth research around native and introduced organisms in the environment.
Conduct more in-depth research around native and introduced organisms in the environment.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
P贖hanga Hiko
An increasingly demanded discipline which covers everything from nano scale to power generation. -
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
P贖hanga Hiko
An increasingly demanded discipline which covers everything from nano scale to power generation. -
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Postgraduate study in Engineering at UC offers a range of specialisation options including course-only qualifications, research-based (thesis) qualifications, and more.
Postgraduate study in Engineering at UC offers a range of specialisation options including course-only qualifications, research-based (thesis) qualifications, and more.
Engineering Geology
The application of geological sciences to engineering design and construction practice. -
Engineering Geology
The application of geological sciences to engineering design and construction practice. -
Engineering Geology
Engineering Management
A programme preparing the next generation of senior management in the industry. -
Engineering Management
A programme preparing the next generation of senior management in the industry. -
Engineering Management
Develop advanced and highly desirable skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. -
Develop advanced and highly desirable skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. -
Environmental Science
Mtai P贖taiao Aronukurangi
Environmental Science is a growth area for employment identifying environmental issues. -
Environmental Science
Mtai P贖taiao Aronukurangi
Environmental Science is a growth area for employment identifying environmental issues. -
Environmental Science
Environment and Health
Gain a professional qualification analysing risks to health, such as air pollution and housing quality. -
Environment and Health
Gain a professional qualification analysing risks to health, such as air pollution and housing quality. -
Environment and Health
European Studies
Conduct advanced research on Europe and the EU, and meet with key international figures. -
European Studies
Conduct advanced research on Europe and the EU, and meet with key international figures. -
European Studies
Financial Engineering
P贖hanga Tahua
Financial engineering is a field combining financial and economic theory with mathematical and computational tools. -
Financial Engineering
P贖hanga Tahua
Financial engineering is a field combining financial and economic theory with mathematical and computational tools. -
Financial Engineering
Fine Arts
Fine Arts allows you to specialise in your chosen field while also exploring the liberal arts. -
Fine Arts
Fine Arts allows you to specialise in your chosen field while also exploring the liberal arts. -
Fine Arts
Fire Engineering
A postgraduate discipline focusing on designing buildings and facilities for safety and property protection. -
Fire Engineering
A postgraduate discipline focusing on designing buildings and facilities for safety and property protection. -
Fire Engineering
Forest Engineering
P贖hanga Ngahere
This subject is a hybrid of engineering, forestry, and management. -
Forest Engineering
P贖hanga Ngahere
This subject is a hybrid of engineering, forestry, and management. -
Forest Engineering
Forestry Science
Mtauranga Ngahere
Graduates are in rising demand with knowledge around meeting forestry needs with conservation. -
Forestry Science
Mtauranga Ngahere
Graduates are in rising demand with knowledge around meeting forestry needs with conservation. -
Forestry Science
Studying Geography will allow you to make an informed and analytical view of our changing world, and of your place in it. -
Studying Geography will allow you to make an informed and analytical view of our changing world, and of your place in it. -
Mtai Aronuku
A postgraduate qualification in Geology offers a wider spectrum of specialisation for employment opportunities. -
Mtai Aronuku
A postgraduate qualification in Geology offers a wider spectrum of specialisation for employment opportunities. -
Health and Community
Investigate the wellbeing of communities, from population density to domestic violence and elderly care. -
Health and Community
Investigate the wellbeing of communities, from population density to domestic violence and elderly care. -
Health and Community
Health Behaviour Change
Research effective means of promoting behavioural change towards healthier lifestyles. -
Health Behaviour Change
Research effective means of promoting behavioural change towards healthier lifestyles. -
Health Behaviour Change
Health Information Management
This research-focused programme develops skills in technological health services and delivery. -
Health Information Management
This research-focused programme develops skills in technological health services and delivery. -
Health Information Management
Health Sciences
Postgraduate Health Sciences programmes provides opportunities to critically examine a range of significant issues in the health sector. -
Health Sciences
Postgraduate Health Sciences programmes provides opportunities to critically examine a range of significant issues in the health sector. -
Health Sciences
Human Interface Technology
Human Interface Technology takes a human-centred approach to the analysis, design, and development of interactive technologies. -
Human Interface Technology
Human Interface Technology takes a human-centred approach to the analysis, design, and development of interactive technologies. -
Human Interface Technology
The Journalism programme at UC produces multi-skilled journalists who find work across the spectrum of media fields. -
The Journalism programme at UC produces multi-skilled journalists who find work across the spectrum of media fields. -
There are many postgraduate qualifications available in particular areas of Marketing. -
There are many postgraduate qualifications available in particular areas of Marketing. -
Mathematical Physics
Combine advanced mathematics with investigations of the physical world. -
Mathematical Physics
Combine advanced mathematics with investigations of the physical world. -
Mathematical Physics
Mathematics is a living subject with new processes, techniques, and theories constantly being devised, tested, and explored. -
Mathematics is a living subject with new processes, techniques, and theories constantly being devised, tested, and explored. -
Mathematics and Statistics
Study advanced applications of mathematics and statistical analysis. -
Mathematics and Statistics
Study advanced applications of mathematics and statistical analysis. -
Mathematics and Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
A discipline involved with the design and development of anything with moving parts. -
Mechanical Engineering
A discipline involved with the design and development of anything with moving parts. -
Mechanical Engineering
Media and Communication
Mtai Ppho
Postgraduate Media and Communication provides skills to understand and contribute to a range of communication fields at an advanced level. -
Media and Communication
Mtai Ppho
Postgraduate Media and Communication provides skills to understand and contribute to a range of communication fields at an advanced level. -
Media and Communication
Medical Physics
Develop modern scientific knowledge and techniques for medical diagnosis and therapy. -
Medical Physics
Develop modern scientific knowledge and techniques for medical diagnosis and therapy. -
Medical Physics
Investigate specific effects of microorganisms, such as water treatments and pesticides. -
Investigate specific effects of microorganisms, such as water treatments and pesticides. -
Pacific Studies
Pacific Studies explores the navigation and settlement of the Pacific Ocean, including the first settlement of New Zealand. -
Pacific Studies
Pacific Studies explores the navigation and settlement of the Pacific Ocean, including the first settlement of New Zealand. -
Pacific Studies
Palliative Care
UC offers postgraduate study supporting the wellbeing of those living with progressive conditions. -
Palliative Care
UC offers postgraduate study supporting the wellbeing of those living with progressive conditions. -
Palliative Care
Philosophy will be enjoyed by anyone who is fascinated by ideas, who likes to think and explore, and who is curious. -
Philosophy will be enjoyed by anyone who is fascinated by ideas, who likes to think and explore, and who is curious. -
Mtai Ahup贖ngao
Modern Physics contributes to major advances in technology. -
Mtai Ahup贖ngao
Modern Physics contributes to major advances in technology. -
Product Design
UC's postgraduate studies in Product Design offers advanced engineering and design skills in the commercial industries. -
Product Design
UC's postgraduate studies in Product Design offers advanced engineering and design skills in the commercial industries. -
Product Design
Product Innovation
This programme combines conceptual design skills and business knowledge to create new market trends. -
Product Innovation
This programme combines conceptual design skills and business knowledge to create new market trends. -
Product Innovation
Mtai Hinengaro
Psychology studies at UC include the scientific study of behaviour, as well as registration as professional psychologists. -
Mtai Hinengaro
Psychology studies at UC include the scientific study of behaviour, as well as registration as professional psychologists. -
Renewable Energy Engineering
Learn how renewable energy is transforming the world from reliance on fossil fuels to sustainable energy systems. -
Renewable Energy Engineering
Learn how renewable energy is transforming the world from reliance on fossil fuels to sustainable energy systems. -
Renewable Energy Engineering
Secondary Teacher Education
Become a qualified secondary school teacher in UC's one-year programmes. -
Secondary Teacher Education
Become a qualified secondary school teacher in UC's one-year programmes. -
Secondary Teacher Education
Mtauranga Hapori
Sociology researches and critiques all aspects of the social world. -
Mtauranga Hapori
Sociology researches and critiques all aspects of the social world. -
Software Engineering
Further develop knowledge and skills ensuring cost-effective delivery of efficient and reliable systems. -
Software Engineering
Further develop knowledge and skills ensuring cost-effective delivery of efficient and reliable systems. -
Software Engineering
Speech and Language Pathology
Te Reo Kreo Kia Tika
Gain professional qualifications to practice as a speech-language pathologist/therapist. -
Speech and Language Pathology
Te Reo Kreo Kia Tika
Gain professional qualifications to practice as a speech-language pathologist/therapist. -
Speech and Language Pathology
Statistics is a rapidly advancing science with many avenues for study and work. Most disciplines use statistics in some form. -
Statistics is a rapidly advancing science with many avenues for study and work. Most disciplines use statistics in some form. -
Taha Hinengaro Health and Wellbeing Practice
Taha Hinengaro
Develop necessary knowledge and skills to support people with mild to moderate mental health and addiction problems. -
Taha Hinengaro Health and Wellbeing Practice
Taha Hinengaro
Develop necessary knowledge and skills to support people with mild to moderate mental health and addiction problems. -
Taha Hinengaro Health and Wellbeing Practice
Teacher Education
UC offers postgraduate degrees in early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary teaching. -
Teacher Education
UC offers postgraduate degrees in early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary teaching. -
Teacher Education
Transportation Engineering
A postgraduate discipline on transportation issues and enhancements with many courses offered in block format. -
Transportation Engineering
A postgraduate discipline on transportation issues and enhancements with many courses offered in block format. -
Transportation Engineering
Water Resource Management
Carry out research at the Waterways Centre or Freshwater Management towards Aotearoa New Zealand's water quality. -
Water Resource Management
Carry out research at the Waterways Centre or Freshwater Management towards Aotearoa New Zealand's water quality. -
Water Resource Management
Water Science and Management
Develop industry skills on managing, using, and researching water science and resources. -
Water Science and Management
Develop industry skills on managing, using, and researching water science and resources. -
Water Science and Management