Te Taiwhenua o te Hauora | GeoHealth Laboratory
Previous Directors
Research staff: Postdoctoral Fellows
Visitors to The GeoHealth Laboratory
The School of Earth and Environment and the School of Health Sciences have hosted a number of visiting Erskine Fellows and others with research interests in health geography, who have collaborated with staff of the GeoHealth Laboratory in research projects. Seepublications for some examples.
If you are interested in visiting and teaching as part of the Erskine scheme, please see this webpage. Note that the Erskine scheme is primarily used for teaching, rather than for a research visit.
Former Postgraduate Students
Over the years, we had a number of postgraduate students working in the GeoHealth Laboratory:
- Kurt Janssen (PHI intern) - MoH, MfE, ESRI (California), Interpret (ChCh)
- Katherine Tisch (Masters) ESR, GeoHealth Lab, Edinburgh Uni
- Erin Holmes (Masters) - MoH (Wellington)
- Kate McPherson (Masters) - CCC (Christchurch)
- Laura Miller (PhD) - (AAG best thesis winner 2008), Researcher (Perth, Aus)
- Jeff Wilson (PhD) Harvard Uni (postdoc), Dean, Huston-Tillotson Uni, US
- Chris Bowie (Masters) Researcher, Opus (Wellington)
- Sam Valentine (Masters) - Project Manager, Appian Group (Sydney)
- Matt Willoughby (Masters) - Canterbury District Health Board
- Kimberley Reed (Masters GIS) GIS Analyst, Marlborough Lines Ltd
- Dan Nutsford (Masters GIS) GIS Analyst, Auckland Council
- Jayden MacRae (Masters) CEO, Patients First, Wellington
- Nick Brunsdon (Masters) Economic Analyst, CDC, Christchurch
- Daniel Hogg (PhD) GIS professional, Germany