

Wananga landing Wananga landing


19 September 2024

From books and book chapters to journal articles and reports for external bodies, check out publications from the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre.


The first major publication for the NTRC was a book about Natanahira Waruwarutu, a man of considerable mana within Ngāi Tuahuriri in the 19th century, who gave his manuscript to Thomas Green as a child. The book is a translation and annotation of this manuscript by Professor Te Maire Tau.

Fisher, M. (2020).A Long Time Coming: The story of Ngāi Tahu's treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown.Christchurch: Canterbury University Press. 234pp.

Tau, T.M. (2017).Water Rights for Ngāi Tahu: A Discussion Paper.Christchurch: Canterbury University Press. 67pp.

O'Regan, T. (2014).. BWB Texts, 9781927131992 (EPUB).

Tau, T.M. (2011).I whānau au ki Kaiapoi: The Story of Natanahira Waruwarutu as recorded by Thomas Green.Dunedin: Otago University Press. 112pp.

Tau T.M. (2003).Treaty-Based Guidelines and Protocols: For Tertiary Education Institutions.Christchurch: University of Otago Press. 63pp.

Book chapters

Tau, T.M. and Fisher, M. (2017). Fulfilling Kemp's Deed: Tuahiwi and Land Title Reform. In Pickles, P., Fraser, L., Hill, M., Murray, S., Ryan, G. (Ed.), History Making a Difference: New Approaches from Aotearoa. (pp.18-38). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN(10):1-4438-5199-X, ISBN(13):978-1-4438-5199-2.

Fisher, M. (2016). Waikato-Tainui and Ngai Tahu's Treaty-settlement negotiations with the Crown. In Adds, P., Bonisch-Brednich, B., Richard, S., Hill, G.W. (Ed.), Reconciliation, Representation and Indigeneity: 'Biculturalism' in Aotearoa New Zealand: 111-126. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Winter.

Reid, J.,& Rout, M. (2016). Māori tribal economy: Rethinking theoriginal economic institutions. In T. L. Anderson.(Ed.),Unlocking thewealth of Indian Nations(pp. 83–104). Maryland:LexingtonBooks.

Tau, T.M. (2016). The Grand Narrative. In Grand Narratives (pp. 5-39). Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-908343-17-1.

Tau, T.M. (2016). The Values and History of The Ōtākaro and North and East Frames. In Grand Narratives (pp. 41-70). Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-908343-17-1.

Tau, T.M. (2016). The Justice and Emergency Services Precinct Narrative. In Grand Narratives (pp. 71-160). Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-908343-17-1.

Tau, T.M. (2016). The Convention Centre Narrative. In Grand Narratives (pp. 161-182). Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-908343-17-1.

Tau, T.M. (2016). The Square Narrative: Whiti Reia. In Grand Narratives (pp. 183-194). Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-908343-17-1.

Goodall, A. (2013). Back to the Māori Future? In Max Rashbrooke (Ed.), Inequality: A New سԹCrisis. (pp.159-164). Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN: 1927131510.

Tau, T.M. (2012). Culture - thinking, doing, and meaning. In R. Nairn, P. Pehi, R. Black, (Eds.), Ka Tū, Ka Oho: Visions of a Bicultural Partnership in Psychology. Invited Keynotes: Revisiting the Past to Reset the Future (pp.171-194). Wellington: New سԹPsychological Society.

Tau, T.M. (2012). Pōwhaitere: The Beauty of the Canoe Traditions. In D. Keenan (Ed.), Huia Histories of Māori: Ngā Tāhuhu Kōrero (pp.13-32). Wellington: Huia Publishers.

Tau, T.M. (2012). Tribal Economies? In J. Buckingham and V. Nilakant (Eds.), Managing Responsibly: Alternative Approaches to Corporate Management and Governance (pp.117-138). Farnham: Gower Publishing Ltd.

Jones, C., Field, P.S., Proudfoot, D., Tau, T.M., Copeland, J. & Markoska-Cubrinovska, A. (2011). Ideas & Connections. In C. Jones, B. Matthews and J. Clement (Eds.), Treasures of the سԹ سԹ (pp.169-186, 245-247). Christchurch: Canterbury University Press.

Jones, C., Morrison, G., Tau, T.M., Hawes, J., Clement, J., Boister, N. & Buckingham, J. (2011). Remembering the Past. In C. Jones, B. Matthews and J. Clement (Eds.), Treasures of the سԹ سԹ (pp.83-108, 234-237). Christchurch: Canterbury University Press.

Journal articles

Rout, M., & Reid, J. (2020). Embracing indigenous metaphors: a new/old way of thinking about sustainability.Sustainability Science,15(3), 945-954.

Rout, M., Reid, J., & Mika, J. (2020). Māori agribusinesses: the whakapapa network for success.AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples,16(3), 193-201.

Reid, J., & Rout, M. (2020). The implementation of ecosystem-based management in New Zealand–A Māori perspective.Marine Policy,117.

Reid, J.,& Rout, M. (2020). Developing sustainability indicators – The need forradical transparency.EcologicalIndicators, 110.

Rout, M., & Reid, J. (2020).Embracing indigenous metaphors: A new/old way of thinking about sustainability.Sustainability Science.

Barr, T. L.,Reid, J., Catska, P., Varona, G., & Rout, M. (2018).Development ofindigenousenterprise in a contemporary business environment–the Ngāi TahuAhikā approach.Journal ofEnterprising Communities: People and Places inthe Global Economy,12(4), 454-471.

Reid, J.,& Rout, M. (2018). Can sustainability auditing be indigenized?Agricultureand HumanValues,35(2), 283–294.

Tau, T. M., & Rout, M. (2018). The tribal economy.Journal of New سԹStudies (Online),(27), 92-109.

Fisher, M. (2017). Binding remedies: The Ngai Tahu Treaty settlement negotiations in a post-Haronga context. New سԹUniversities Law Review Volume 27: 505-527.

Fisher, M. (2017).The Spinoff 17 January 2017.

Rout, M.,Reid, J., Aika, B., Davis, R., & Tau, T. (2017). Muttonbirding: Loss ofexecutive authority and its impact onentrepreneurship.Journal ofManagement & Organization, 23(6),857–872.

Tau, T.M. (2016). Property Rights in Kaiapoi. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 47(4), 677-698.

Fisher, M. (2016). “I riro whenua atu me hoki whenua mai”: The return of land and the Waikato-Tainui raupatu settlement.. http://ojs.victoria.ac.nz/jnzs/issue/view/479.

Fisher, M. (2016). The Politics of History and Waikato-Tainui's Raupatu Treaty Settlement.New سԹJournal of History, 50(2): 68-89.

Reid, J., &M. Rout. (2016). Getting to know your food: The insights of indigenous thinkingin food provenance.Agriculture and Human Values,33(2):427–438.

Reid, J., Varona, G., Fisher, M., Smith, C. (2016)..

Kenney, C.M., Phibbs, S.R., Paton, D., Reid, J., Johnston, D.M. (2015). Community-led disaster risk management: A Māori response to Ōtautahi (Christchurch) earthquakes.Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 19(1): 9-20.

Merfield, C., Moller, H., Manhire, J., Rosin, C., Norton, S., Carey, P., Hunt, L., Reid, J., Fairweather, J., Benge, J., Le Quellec, I., Campbell, H., Lucock, D., Saunders, C., MacLeod, C., Barber, A., McCarthy, A. (2015).

Fisher, M. (2015).(pdf, 203 KB).

Tau, T.M. (2015). Neo-Liberal Settlements: From Adam Smith to Treaty Settlements. New سԹJournal of History, 49(1), 126-44.

Reid, J., Rout, M. (2015)..

Barr, T., Reid, J., Varona, G. and Castka, P. (2014). Development of Indigenous Enterprises in Contemporary Business Environment - a case of Ngai Tahu Ahika Kai approach. Entrepreneurial Practice Review 3(2).

Barr, T.L. and Reid, J. (2014).

Lincoln, N.K. (2014).DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.07.034.

Reid, J., Taylor-Moore, K., and Varona, G. (2014).http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2013.809295

Tau, T.M. (2011). I-ngā-rāo-mua. Journal of New سԹStudies, 10, 45-62.

Tau, R.T.M, (2011). Tirohia Atu Nei Ka Whetu Rangitia, Minding the Past, Te Pouhere Korero Journal, Vol 5.

Reports for external bodies

Rout, M., & Reid, J. (2020) Cultural Attributes ofNgāi Tahu Food and theInternational ConsumerCultures that WillRecognise Them. AERU Research Report No. 358,prepared for the Unlocking Export Prosperity Research Programme. Lincoln University:Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit.

Fisher, M. (2020).Historical report for Ngati Parau Hapu Trust for their Marine and Coastal Area Claims.Ngati Parau Hapu Trust.

Fisher, M. (2019).Water and the Ngai Tahu settlement.Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu.

Reid, J.,Rout, M., & Mika, J. (2019).Mapping the Māori marine economy.Report forSustainable Seas, Whai Rawa,Whai Mana, Whai Oranga, Wellington: SustainableSeas.

Rout, M., Lythberg, B., Mika, J., Gillies,A., Bodwitch, H., Hikuroa, H., Awatere, S. Wiremu,F., Rakena, M., & Reid, J. (2019).Kaitiaki-centredbusiness models: Case Studies of Māori Marine-Based Enterprises in Aotearoa NewZealand.Report forSustainable Seas, Whai Rawa, Whai Mana, Whai Oranga,Wellington: Sustainable Seas.

Rout, M.,Reid, J., Mika, J., Gillies, A., Ruwhiu, D., & Awatere, S. (2019).Determiningkey enablers and constraintsof Māoriagribusiness: Report one, the development of an indicatorframework to measureenablers and constraints on Māori agribusiness.Report for Our Land andWater: Whenua,Life, Values, Wellington: OLW.

Rout, M.,Reid, J., Mika, J., Gillies, A., Ruwhiu, D., & Awatere, S. (2019).Determiningkey enablers and constraintsof Māoriagribusiness: Report two, Using an indicator matrix todetermine thecorrelations and relationships between Māori agribusiness value-drivers.Reportfor Our Land and Water: Whenua, Life, Values, Wellington: OLW.

Rout, M.,Reid, J., Mika, J., Gillies, A., Ruwhiu, D., & Awatere, S. (2019).Determiningkey enablers and constraintsof Māoriagribusiness: Report three, Opportunities for Māori to accesspremium markets –results from a Māori agribusiness survey.Report for Our Land and Water:Whenua, Life, Values, Wellington: OLW.

Reid, J., Rout, M.,Mika, J., Gillies, A., Ruwhiu, D., & Awatere, S. (2019).Determiningkey enablers and constraintsof Māori agribusiness:Report four, Testing a values-centred decision-support tool for Māoriagribusiness.Report for Our Land and Water: Whenua, Life, Values,Wellington:OLW.

Reid, J.,Whitehead, J., & Rout, M. (2019).Ngāi Tahu multipliers: The impacts of TeRūnanga o Ngāi Tahu businesseson the Ngāi Tahu and national economies.Christchurch:Ngāi Tahu Research Centre.

Rout, M. andReid, J. (2019).Tribal Economies – Ngāi Tahu: An examination of thehistoric andcurrent tītī and pounamu institutional frameworks.Christchurch:Ngāi Tahu Research Centre.

Rout, M.,Reid, J., Menzies, D., & MacFarlane, A. (2019).– Averting the Māori housing disaster.Report forBuilding Better Homes, Towns andCities SRA5: Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua,Wellington:Building Better Homes, Towns andCities

Rout, M., Lythberg, B., Mika, J., Gillies,A., Bodwitch, H., Hikuroa, H., Awatere, S. Wiremu,F., Rakena, M., & Reid, J. (2019).Kaitiaki-centredbusiness models: Case Studies of Māori Marine-Based Enterprises in Aotearoa NewZealand.Report forSustainable Seas, Whai Rawa, Whai Mana, Whai Oranga,Wellington: Sustainable Seas

Tau, T.M. and Fisher M. (2019).Customary interests in the Kaweka and Gwavas CFL lands.Crown Forestry Rental Trust.

Rout, M.,Reid, J. Bodwitch, H., Gillies, A., Lythberg, B., Hikuroa, D., Makey, L.,Awatere, S., Mika, J., Wiremu, F.,Rakena, M., & Davies, K. (2018).Māorimarine economy: A review ofliterature concerning the historical andcontemporary structure of the Māori marine economy.Report for SustainableSeas, Whai Rawa, Whai Mana, Whai Oranga, Wellington: SustainableSeas.

Tau, T.M. and Fisher, M. (2018).Report on the Ngai Tahu-Ngati Toa Peace Settlement.Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu.

Tau. T.M. and Fisher, M. (2017).Customary interests in the Te Wera Crown Licenced Forest.Office of Treaty Settlements.

Tau, T.M. and Fisher, M. (2017).Eminent Historian Services for the review of Ngati Kahungungu Tamaki nui-a-Rua Historical Account.Office of Treaty Settlements.

Reid, J., Rout, M., Smith, C., and Tau, T. (2017).: An aetiology of the trauma of settler colonisation and land alienation on Ngāi Tahu whānau. Christchurch: Ngāi Tahu Research Centre. Report to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

Fergusson, D., McLeod, G., Tau, T., Macfarlane, A. (2014).Māori Educational Achievement in the Christchurch Health and Development Study.Ngāi Tahu Research Centre. ISBN: 978-0-473-27220-3.

Fisher, M. (2014).http://hdl.handle.net/10092/10652

Fisher, M. (2014).

Reid, J., Barr, T., Lambert, S. (2013).ARGOS . (Online at: www.nzdashboard.org.nz)

Fisher, M. and Stirling, B. (2012) Waitangi Tribunal Taihape Inquiry Sub-district block study - Northern aspect.


Fisher, M. (2018).Battling it out in court: the litigation phase in the Ngāi Tahu Treaty settlement negotiation.Te Karaka 78. [Magazine Article].

Fisher, M. (2018).Defenders of the environment: the Ngāi Tahu Treaty Settlement negotiations and third-party interests.Te Karaka 77. [Magazine Article].

Fisher, M. (2018).Now a significant time in history of Treaty settlements.New سԹHerald.

Fisher, M. (2018).Tears of Rangi: Experiments Across Worlds.NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF HISTORY 52(1): 123-125.[Book Review]

Reid, J., Rout, M., Tau, T.,& Smith, C. (2017).The colonising environment: Anaetiology of thetrauma of settler colonisation and land alienation on NgāiTahu whānau.Christchurch: Ngāi TahuResearch Centre.

Fisher, M. (2017).Quantification of Loss – negotiations with the Crown.Te Karaka(76). [Magazine Article].

Fisher, M. (2016). Vincent O'Malley, The Great War for New Zealand: Waikato 1800 -2000. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2016; 688pp. New سԹJournal of History, Volume 51 No. 1, pp214-216 . Book Review.

Fisher, M. (2015) The Urewera Notebook. Te Karaka 21 Dec 2014. Book Review.

Fisher, M. (2014).Book Review.

Fisher, M. (2012) Review of Tai timu, tai pari, Tainui: Journey of a People Te Papa museum exhibit. History Australia 9(2): 201-203. Museum Exhibit review.

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