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Our People

28 August 2024

The Autism Research Centre is directed by سԹ’s Professor Laurie McLay of the Child Well-being Research Institute, Associate Director Ann-Marie Kennedy, in collaboration with the Autistic Partnership Aotearoa New Zealand, Chaired by Dr Ruth Monk. It includes researchers, students, and autism community members from throughout New Zealand, with vast international connections.

Autism Research Centre - Academic Researchers

Email: laurie.mclay@canterbury.ac.nz

Child Well-being Research Institute

Research interests: sleep, digital supports, telehealth, youth mental health and well-being, caregiver mental health and well-being, professional education.

Email: Ann-marie.kennedy@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: sustainability, marketing’s influence on children, mental health, sexual harm prevention, alcohol harm reduction, vulnerable consumers, social marketing.

Dr Ruth Monk (Chair)

Email: ruth.monk@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: Autism, Autistic Community, Autism Community, Participatory Research, Community Engagement, Co-production, Lived Experience, Autistic Perspective, Neurodiversity, Advocacy.

Email: William.grant@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: Critical theory, law, tikanga Māori and common law, indigenous rights, human rights, criminal justice, wellbeing, neurodiversity

Email: Cassandra.mudgway@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: legal reasoning, criminal law, gender/sexuality and the law, international human rights law, constitutional law, evidence law and international criminal law

Email: Jolene.hunter@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: Neurodiversity; sleep health; mental health; child, adolescent and family well-being

Email: nick.bowden@otago.ac.nz

Research interests: lifecourse research; population-level data; health; mental health; mortality risk; education; pharmaceutical use co-occurring conditions; criminal justice.

Dr Jenna van Deurs (Child and Family Psychologist)

Email: jenna.vandeurs@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: Child, adolescent, and family wellbeing; Caregiver mental health; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Anxiety; Neurodiversity; Sleep

Email: Hannah.waddington@vuw.ac.nz

Research interests: neurodiversity affirming practice, culturally responsive practice; early identification and support

Email: jessica.tupou@vuw.ac.nz

Research interests: Takiwātanga, autism and neurodiversity; culturally responsive practice; inclusive education; mātauranga Māori and early support.


Affiliation: سԹ

Research interests: Mental health and well-being of Autistic youth and their families; participatory research design, digital mental health supports; Autistic and autism communities priorities for autism research.


Research interests: Pacific health, Pacific research methodology, Pacific data sovereignty

Dr Larah van der Meer


Affiliation:Autism New سԹand Victoria University of Wellington

Research interests:Diagnosis and support systems for the autistic and autism communities; autistic and autism community’s priorities for autism research; participatory research design.

Associate Professor Dean Sutherland


Research interests:Communication;augmentative and alternative Communication, well-being, Takiwātanga, neurodiversity; inclusive education; immigrant families experiences and perspectives; Autistic and autism communities priorities for autism research.

Dr Hiran Thabrew


Affiliation:Starship Children’s Hospital; University of Auckland

Research interests: Child and adolescent mental health; digital mental health; autism; eating disorders; anxiety; child and youth wellbeing.

Dr Ashley Hinten

Email: ashley.hinten@canterbury.ac.nz

Research interests: Early Autism Identification and Support, Developmental Psychology, Media Psychology, Science Communication

Autistic Partnership: Aotearoa New Zealand

The Autistic Partnership Advisory Group also forms a core part of the Autism Research Centre. Find out more here.

You are welcome to reach out to any of the ARC members using the email provided.

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