Principal Investigators
Matt Watson
Matt Watson
Matt Watson
Director of Biomolecular Interaction Centre
Fields of research: Decarbonisation of industry, additive manufacture, tree syrup
Vanessa Morris
Vanessa Morris
Vanessa Morris
Deputy Director, Biomolecular Interaction Centre
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Renwick Dobson
Renwick Dobson
Renwick Dobson
Conan Fee
Conan Fee
Conan Fee
Chemical Formulation Design
Head of School
Paul Gardner
Paul Gardner
Paul Gardner
Associate Professor
Juliet Ann Gerrard
Juliet Ann Gerrard
Juliet Ann Gerrard
Adjunct Professor Biochemistry
Sarah Kessans
Sarah Kessans
Sarah Kessans
Chemical Formulation Design
Associate Professor
Debbie Munro
Debbie Munro
Debbie Munro
Associate Professor
Volker Nock
Volker Nock
Volker Nock
Rutherford Discovery Fellow
Emily Parker | 2010
Meet Associate Professor Emily Parker from UC's Biomolecular Interaction Centre. She has been recognised as one of the country's top tertiary teachers and was one of 11 teachers awarded a Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award in 2010.
Emily Parker | 2010
Meet Associate Professor Emily Parker from UC's Biomolecular Interaction Centre. She has been recognised as one of the country's top tertiary teachers and was one of 11 teachers awarded a Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award in 2010.
Emily Parker | 2010
Grant Pearce
Grant Pearce
Grant Pearce
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Anthony Poole
Anthony Poole
Anthony Poole
Associate Investigators
Pram Abhayawardhana
Pram Abhayawardhana
Pram Abhayawardhana
Chemical Formulation Design
Senior Lecturer
David Ackerley
David Ackerley
David Ackerley
Vic Arcus
Vic Arcus
Vic Arcus
Azam Ali
Azam Ali
Azam Ali
Associate Professor
Maan Alkaisi
Maan Alkaisi
Maan Alkaisi
Emeritus Professor
Jane Allison
Jane Allison
Jane Allison
Associate Professor
Timothy Allison
Timothy Allison
Timothy Allison
Senior Lecturer
Craig Billington
Craig Billington
Craig Billington
Science Leader
Carlo Carere
Carlo Carere
Carlo Carere
Associate Professor
3rd year director of studies
Euan Coutts
Euan Coutts
Euan Coutts
Industrial Product Design
Senior Lecturer
Deborah Crittenden
Deborah Crittenden
Deborah Crittenden
Simone Dimartino
Simone Dimartino
Simone Dimartino
Senior Lecturer
Laura Domigan
Laura Domigan
Laura Domigan
Senior Lecturer
Jolon Dyer
Jolon Dyer
Jolon Dyer
Associate Research Director - Capability
Gary Evans
Gary Evans
Gary Evans
Antony Fairbanks
Antony Fairbanks
Antony Fairbanks
Sean Feast
BE(Hons) Chemical and Process Engineering 2017, PhD Chemical and Processing Engineering 2022
Founder and CEO of Precision Chroma
Sean Feast
BE(Hons) Chemical and Process Engineering 2017, PhD Chemical and Processing Engineering 2022
Founder and CEO of Precision Chroma
Sean Feast
Daniel Foley
Daniel Foley
Daniel Foley
Senior Lecturer
Ashley Garrill
Ashley Garrill
Ashley Garrill
Monica Gerth
Monica Gerth
Monica Gerth
Senior Lecturer
Brent Gilpin
Brent Gilpin
Brent Gilpin
Science Leader
Christoph Goebl
Christoph Goebl
Christoph Goebl
NMR Researcher
Peter Gostomski
Peter Gostomski
Peter Gostomski
Maria Gutierrez Gines
Maria Gutierrez Gines
Maria Gutierrez Gines
Senior Lecturer
Mark Hampton
Mark Hampton
Mark Hampton
Richard Hartshorn
Richard Hartshorn
Richard Hartshorn
Heather Hendrickson
Heather Hendrickson
Heather Hendrickson
Associate Professor
Craig Herbold
Craig Herbold
Craig Herbold
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Daniel Holland
Daniel Holland
Daniel Holland
Head of Department
Fields of research: Particle technology, multiphase flow, NMR spectroscopy, tomography, modelling
Tim Huber
Tim Huber
Tim Huber
Adjunct Appointment
Geoff Jameson
Geoff Jameson
Geoff Jameson
Jodie Johnston
Jodie Johnston
Jodie Johnston
Senior Lecturer
Natalia Kabaliuk
Natalia Kabaliuk
Natalia Kabaliuk
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
William Kelton
William Kelton
William Kelton
Martin Kennedy
Martin Kennedy
Martin Kennedy
Tony Kettle
Tony Kettle
Tony Kettle
Khoon Lim
Khoon Lim
Khoon Lim
Angus Lindsay
Angus Lindsay
Angus Lindsay
Shaun Lott
Shaun Lott
Shaun Lott
Associate Professor
Peter Mace
Peter Mace
Peter Mace
Associate Professor
Hamish Mackey
Hamish Mackey
Hamish Mackey
Associate Professor
Postgraduate Program Director
Aaron Marshall
Aaron Marshall
Aaron Marshall
Fields of research: Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Engineering, Sustainable Metal Extraction and Production, Hydrogen, Flow Batteries, CO2 reduction
Claudia Meisrimler
Claudia Meisrimler
Claudia Meisrimler
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Artemio Mendoza
Artemio Mendoza
Artemio Mendoza
Senior Research Officer
Anna Mitchell
Anna Mitchell
Anna Mitchell
Associate Professor
Ciaran Moore
Ciaran Moore
Ciaran Moore
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Ken Morison
Ken Morison
Ken Morison
Acting 3rd Year Director of Studies
Associate Professor
Fields of research: Food process engineering, dairy processes, ultrafiltration
Jim Morton
Jim Morton
Jim Morton
Associate Professor
James Murphy
James Murphy
James Murphy
Professor Visiting Erskine Fellow
Ali Reza Nazmi
Ali Reza Nazmi
Ali Reza Nazmi
Chemical Formulation Design, Director of Studies
Senior Lecturer
Leonardo Negron
Leonardo Negron
Leonardo Negron
Team Leader, Principal Research Scientist
Amy Osborne
Amy Osborne
Amy Osborne
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
David Palmer
David Palmer
David Palmer
Honorary Professor, University of Otago, Christchurch Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Lincoln University
Heon Park
Heon Park
Heon Park
Wayne Patrick
Wayne Patrick
Wayne Patrick
Associate Professor
Steve Pawson
Steve Pawson
Steve Pawson
Associate Professor
Phillip Rendle
Phillip Rendle
Phillip Rendle
Principal Scientist
Brett Robinson
Brett Robinson
Brett Robinson
Mak Sarwar
Mak Sarwar
Mak Sarwar
Research Fellow
Campbell Sheen
Campbell Sheen
Campbell Sheen
Scientific Officer
Mark Staiger
Mark Staiger
Mark Staiger
Associate Professor
Tammy Steeves
Tammy Steeves
Tammy Steeves
Matthew Stott
Matthew Stott
Matthew Stott
Associate Head of School
Peter Tyler
Peter Tyler
Peter Tyler
Adele Williamson
Adele Williamson
Adele Williamson
Research Fellow
Rachael Wood
Rachael Wood
Rachael Wood
2nd Year Director of Studies
Senior Lecturer
Fields of research: Biochemical engineering, mammalian cell culture, disease modelling, mechanical modelling of tissue
Tim Woodfield
Tim Woodfield
Tim Woodfield
Amy Yewdall
Amy Yewdall
Amy Yewdall
Postdoctoral Fellows
Daniel Clarke
Daniel Clarke
Daniel Clarke
Fiona Given
Fiona Given
Fiona Given
Post Doctoral Fellow
Azy Hashemi
Azy Hashemi
Azy Hashemi
Post Doctoral Fellow
Thu Ho
Thu Ho
Thu Ho
Post Doctoral Fellow
Olivia Ogilvie
Olivia Ogilvie
Olivia Ogilvie
Research Fellow
Ben Reynolds
Ben Reynolds
Ben Reynolds
Lecturer - Teaching and Admin
Jamie Robinson
Jamie Robinson
Jamie Robinson
Post Doctoral Fellow
Yiling Sun
Yiling Sun
Yiling Sun
Post Doctoral Fellow
Ayelen Tayagui
Ayelen Tayagui
Ayelen Tayagui
Post Doctoral Fellow
Essie Van Zuylen
Essie Van Zuylen
Essie Van Zuylen
Advisory Board
Matt Watson
Matt Watson
Matt Watson
Director of Biomolecular Interaction Centre
Fields of research: Decarbonisation of industry, additive manufacture, tree syrup
Renwick Dobson
Renwick Dobson
Renwick Dobson
David Beebe
David Beebe
David Beebe
Erskine Fellow
Ian Wright
Ian Wright
Ian Wright
Principal Researcher
Management Team
Matt Watson
Matt Watson
Matt Watson
Director of Biomolecular Interaction Centre
Fields of research: Decarbonisation of industry, additive manufacture, tree syrup
Vanessa Morris
Vanessa Morris
Vanessa Morris
Deputy Director, Biomolecular Interaction Centre
Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Michael Edmonds
Michael Edmonds
Michael Edmonds
Institute Manager