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UC teams up with Microsoft, a collaboration for innovation

20 July 2023

UC has entered into a collaboration with Microsoft to enhance student experience, research capabilities and employability by being at the forefront of tech innovation.


Photo credit Turag Photography.

The collaboration is泭an important step泭for泭Te Whare Wnanga o泭Waitaha泭|泭University of泭Canterbury泭(UC)s泭Strategic Vision,泭Tangata泭T贖泭Tangata泭Ora 2020-2030,泭as泭an泭engaged, connected, and future focused University, explains泭Kaihaut贖泭Matua泭Kahu泭|泭Executive Director of Planning, Finance and Digital Services, Keith Longden.

With deep industry expertise in泭gaming, film production, cloud services and泭Artificial Intelligence泭we are excited about the joint opportunities that exist between both organisations, says Longden.泭

Microsoft products泭are already in use泭across the University泭and泭this泭new泭collaboration泭ensures泭UC泭can泭make the most of those product泭investments,泭while泭exploring泭other avenues for advancement.

Microsoft is one of the biggest global game developers,泭and泭having泭early access泭to gaming innovations and products means degree programmes including UCs Bachelor of Digital Screen (Hons) and Applied Immersive Game Design remain consistently relevant while producing highly employable, skilled graduates.泭

Partnering泭with influential and innovative entities like this泭is integral to the success of泭future-focused泭initiatives泭driven by the University,泭like泭UC Digital泭Screen.

Our students are the future of creative media in Aotearoa and beyond, explains Director of Digital Screen, Sam Witters.泭Our泭collaboration泭with Microsoft泭is a brilliant example of how were泭empowering泭commercial and academic worlds to coexist泭and work together to泭create泭the泭tools our students need泭to shape the future of digital entertainment.

Chief Digital Officer Michael泭Oulsnam泭says a泭new UC泭chatbot will be泭one泭of泭the first泭exciting joint泭initiatives泭introduced泭under泭the泭collaboration.泭Unlike standard chatbots, this bot will use Microsoft Azure OpenAI technology to extract answers based on complex questions.

Initially the chatbot泭is being泭enabled to respond泭to泭some of泭our泭most泭frequently泭asked questions泭and泭other泭publicly available information.泭This泭could include asking where to find study spaces across the campus and how to book them.泭

The information fed to the chatbot is泭held in泭private UC泭data storage,泭meaning泭the bot泭wont泭take answers from other sources on the internet.泭Information泭will be泭sourced from UCs泭厙ぴ勛圖 and Contact Centre teams,泭with a strong focus on ensuring泭it泭is泭accurate泭and泭well泭maintained.

As the chatbot is used for more interactions, the Digital team will be able to improve its responses and continue refining the泭ever-expanding泭knowledge base that the chatbot has access to," says泭Oulsnam.泭

The chatbot is泭also泭given a泭clear泭job description, it is泭programmed to know泭what its role is and泭understand泭how to stay within those parameters泭 this prevents the chatbot from answering questions it doesnt have the information for.泭

Vanessa Sorenson, managing director of Microsoft New Zealand,泭says she is泭thrilled to be working together to create even further opportunities for the泭University community through smart use of technology.泭

The 厙ぴ勛圖 has泭a really ambitious泭and innovative approach to technological transformation, from using泭technology泭to better support students along their learning pathway to investing in developing a screen industry on campus.泭Looking at how the泭University drives these kinds of developments not just for the good of its students and staff, but for the good of Canterbury, is amazing,泭she泭says.

The泭collaboration, and the upcoming introduction of the泭OpenAI powered泭chatbot, is the latest milestone泭on泭UCs digital transformation泭journey.泭

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