Yesterday eveningthe 2023UCmedallistsandrecentlyappointed EmeritusProfessorswerecelebratedin front ofcolleagues,whānau and friends.
KaiārahiCorban Te Aikaleada mihiwhakatauto open the eventand wasfollowedby TumuKaunihera| Chancellor Hon Amy Adamswho extendeda warm welcome to theUC Council, themedallists,EmeritusProfessorsand their friends and whānau. During herwelcomethe Chancellorsaid:“It iscritical we stop and reflect on people that do outstanding work.”
TumuWhakarae|Vice-ChancellorProfessorCheryl de la Reyannouncedthe UC TeachingMedal whileActing TumuTuaruaRangahau| Deputy Vice-Chancellor ResearchProfessor Peter Gostomski announced the UCResearch and InnovationMedals.
Our2023medallistsare:Dr Phillip Borell,Professor Brendon Bradleyandthe Better Start Literacy ApproachteamincludingProfessorGail Gillon, ProfessorBrigid McNeill, Associate Professor Alison Arrow, and Dr Amy Scott,from theChild Well-being Institute andFacultyofEducation.
ProfessorDe la Reyalso congratulatedthe most recently appointed Emeritus Professors,Jarg Pettinga andLetitia Fickel,for their long-servingandoutstanding contributions to their fieldsandthe University.
A very warm congratulations to all our medallists who are an inspirationtous all.Thank you forinspiring your students, your colleagues, and your communities with yourexpertise, dedication, and passion for your work.
Read more aboutthis year’sPōWhakamānawa| Celebrating Excellence,medallistsand Emeritus Professorshere