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MA Environmental History Scholarship

20 December 2019

Call for applications - MA Scholarship: History of Canterbury Environmental and Conservation Leadership and Heritage


Research proposals are invited for a. The project will explore aspects of the history of environmental-conservation leadership and heritage in Canterbury using an oral history approach. Besides their supervisors, the successful candidate will work closely with contract partners Colleen Philip and Diana Shand atand the ECO Canterbury Environment Network, and with Lyndon Fraser at the UC Oral History Centre. This unique public history opportunity allows the successful candidate to develop new skills in community network engagement alongside their academic work. An understanding of, and passion for, environmental-conservation activism and issues might be advantageous.

An essential outcome of the project is the recording, transcribing and archiving of between five and eight oral history interviews with local environmental leaders we have identified. The candidate will undertake and complete UC Human Ethics Committee and Māori Research Consultation applications in February 2020 and carry out the recordings by June 2020. They will work with sector partners and present their initial findings at a public forum in 2020.

Thesis topic proposals may address any aspect of environmental and conservation leadership in Canterbury which incorporates elements of oral history. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • A particular organisation or campaign (e.g. the Clean Air Society).
  • The role and methods of environmental and/or conservation leaders and activists, or a particular individual’s impact in this area.
  • A broad analysis of the environmental or conservation movement in the region.
  • Bicultural approaches to environmental and/or conservation activism.

A research proposal of no more than 1000 words, including a project outline and brief bibliography, should be submitted by Monday 20 January 2020 at 5pm.

Eligible candidates will have a first-class or 2:1 Honours degree in History or a related discipline, and are also encouraged to apply for a UC Masters Scholarship, alongside this award of $8,000. Students are welcome to contact Associate-Professor Lyndon Fraser (lyndon.fraser@canterbury.ac.nz) for further advice about the application.

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