On 4 August, the Director of Te Puna Toiora |the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Labat UC, Clinical PsychologyProfessor Julia Rucklidgewill explore the subject in a free, livestreamed public talk at the University’s Ilam campus, including answering the questions:
- What if we’re looking for solutions to mental health problems in some of the wrong places?
- What if instead of treating mental illness with prescriptions and medication we changed what we eat and how we feed our brains?
This talk will review the ground-breaking research over the past decade, uncovering an alarming picture of declining food quality as risk factors for all kinds of psychiatric problems. Professor Rucklidge will then describe practical ways to use nutrition to better feed the brain.
Dr Julia Rucklidge is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing at the سԹ, the Director ofTe Puna Toiora, the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Lab,and co-author of new book(Penguin, 2021).
- UC Connect public lecture– Building a Better Brain: how nutrition can help overcome stress, ADHD, and depression, Presented byProfessor Julia Rucklidge, Clinical Psychologist and Director ofTe Puna Toiora | the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Lab,Psychology, سԹ, from 7pm – 8pm, Wednesday 4 August 2021 – C1 lecture theatre in C-Block, Ilam campus, سԹ. Register free to attend UC Connect Lectures:http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/news-and-events/regular-events/uc-connect-public-lectures