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Bringing Pacific knowledge and innovation to new courses

15 November 2023

New interdisciplinary Pacific Studies courses developed at the 厙ぴ勛圖 (UC) draw on cutting-edge research from the region.


UCs Pacific researchers working in the field study how traditional structures such as this gathering house in Samoa facilitate community resilience to climate change.

Three new泭undergraduate泭courses -泭The Global Pacific;泭The Contemporary and Transnational Pacific; and泭Pacific Sustainability and Climate Resilience泭 reframe泭current泭deficit泭narratives泭of the Pacific and its communities,泭celebrating a泭long泭history of泭resilience,泭Indigenous泭knowledge泭and innovation.泭

UC researchers who developed the courses are involved in the pioneering泭泭(POCCA) study, which泭studies泭climate mitigation and adaptation in 16 countries in the Pacific region, with a focus on giving voice to Indigenous knowledge.泭

SDG 17 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Innovative case studies from this research, and other projects led by泭UCs泭Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies泭(MBC)泭in the Pacific and locally, are incorporated into the teaching of these new courses and are linked with the泭.

The inclusion of student and staff perspectives from across the university was important in designing these courses,泭Pacific Academic Lead泭Ashalyna泭Noa says.泭

Students we surveyed泭saw great value in Pacific泭Studies泭courses for wide ranging reasons - they could deepen their understanding of the Pacific, be exposed to and normalise diverse world views as part of their泭studies, andlearn how to effectively engage in cross-cultural settings.

The courses were developed泭by泭UCs new泭PAKC -泭Pacific Knowledge and Culture hub, which incorporates泭the泭world class泭MBC泭and the泭Pacific Development泭Team泭(PDT). PDT泭provides泭pastoral care to Pacific students泭and泭supports academic staff泭to enhance泭Pacific泭success泭on campus.泭

The introduction of the new courses,泭as well as泭the Pacific Studies minor,泭complements泭existing programmes offered at UC泭and will equip泭learners with the knowledge and skills to泭further泭their postgraduate,泭research泭and career泭pathways.

Earlier this year, UC appointed Fijian scholar Distinguished Professor Steven泭Ratuva泭as its泭first Te泭Amorangi泭| Pro-Vice-Chancellor Pacific.泭

The Pacific泭Studies泭courses will provide the relevant prisms and intellectual tools to analyse and understand Pacific cultures, sustainability, resilience, innovation and transformation in a changing world,泭Professor泭Ratuva says.泭

Because the content themes泭introduce students to values of cultural understanding, equity and diversity, the courses will connect well with other disciplines as well as contextualise New Zealands identity in the Oceanic region.泭

The courses, offered in person and online,泭will include guest lectures by community knowledge holders, leading Pacific experts,泭practitioners泭and policy makers.泭

Future泭and current UC泭students泭can泭now泭enrol in these three new courses,泭and the Pacific Studies minor,泭on the UC website.

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