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Grandson continues NZ psychologist’s legacy

26 August 2024

Studying Clinical Psychology at UC enabled a graduate Bruno Unger to make his passion a career and continue his family’s legacy.


Influential psychologist Ralf Unger was instrumental in establishing Aotearoa New Zealand’s first clinical psychology training programme at Sunnyside Hospital (now Hillmorton Hospital) in the 1960s. Now, his grandson Bruno Unger is following in those pioneering footsteps, having recently earned a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | سԹ (UC).

Bruno recently embarked on a full-time career in clinical psychology working in forensic mental health at Hillmorton Hospital. His proud family will attend UC’s Spring graduation celebration in September to see him receive his qualification.

Helping others in need is what matters most for Bruno: “For me, it is a privilege to sit down and talk with people and, through that psychological lens, see what can be done to help and try to make a difference.”

Drawn to study psychology as a result of his grandfather’s influence, it will mark the culmination of a long journey for him.

“He was very much a role model for me,” Bruno says. “He and his family came here as pre-war refugees in 1937. After leaving school he studied psychology at Victoria University and played a big part in formalising training for clinical psychologists as well as spearheading professional registration. He was later honoured as an Officer of the New سԹOrder of Merit in recognition of his services to psychology and the community.”

Bruno studied both psychology and commerce at the University of Otago, followed by spending a few years teaching English in China. Navigating a new culture and helping support others’ learning goals reignited his determination to seek a meaningful career that could positively impact other people’s lives.

“I decided to enrol at UC [in 2019] as there are connections to UC on both sides of my family, especially with Ralf’s connection to the clinical psychology programme.”

Before applying for UC’s limited entry Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, Bruno first completed an honours and a master’s degree in Psychology at UC. Engaging with staff throughout that time, as well as participating in networking events, were positive experiences, he says.

Once accepted into the three-year postgraduate diploma, Bruno made the most of the opportunity, including the programme’s strong practical component.

“I started with the UC clinic, then the Department of Corrections in my second year, before doing a full year internship at Te Whatu Ora. I was fortunate to then get employed in the same sector area – forensic mental health.”

Key mentors at UC included Psychology Professor Martin Dorahy, UC Psychology Centre Clinic Director Neil Thompson, and clinical educator Rikki Thompson in the School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing.

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