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Gender Affirmation

19 February 2025

Check out the information below about how to access gender affiirming health care in Waitaha | Canterbury.


How can I access gender affirming healthcare?

Waitaha | Canterbury has a primary-care, community-based system for accessing gender affirming healthcare, meaning that everything starts with your GP, rather than needing to visit a centralised or specialised clinic.

For سԹ students, we recommend enrolling with the UC Health Centreto access gender affirming healthcare including Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy and referrals to community providers.

Qtopia NZ also has up to date information on navigating gender affirming healthcare in Waitaha | Canterbury and what is publicly funded.

Transgender Voice Clinic

The Transgender Voice Clinic provides a vocal training program for transgender and gender diverse people who currently experience vocal dysphoria.

The program is facilitated by UC Speech and Language Pathology students acrossmultiple sessions with the support of trained clinical staff. Each session is designed to provide vocal exercises and a supportive practising environment to gradually build towards each participant's vocal goals. The program can help with both vocal feminisation and masculinisation.

The vocal training program is free-of-charge and can be accessed via a referral from your GP.

For more information or queries, contacttransgendervoiceclinics@canterbury.ac.nz

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