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Gym Etiquette

08 November 2023

If everyone follows ten simple rules, we'll all have a safe and happy time at the gym. Check out gym etiquette at the UC RecCentre.


We want everyone to be comfortable, so please be mindful of your decisions and actions and their potential impact on others.

Download our handyGym User Etiquette Guide 2022especially if it's your first time in our gym, and if you have any questions, come and talk to one of our friendly staff - we are more than happy to help.

10 simple rules

Your card = your entry

Bringing your card makes checking in faster, meaning you can get straight to your workout or lecture

Keep in mind we have up to 10,000 members, and a small team of staff at the desk. We want to avoid queues as much as you do! So please remember to bring your card every time. But we're all human, so if you do forget, please ask our team politely and we can look you up, so your trip to the gym won't be wasted.

However, as per your terms and conditions, we reserve the right to charge a casual entry fee if you forget your card. Don't worry yourself though, you'll be refunded if you bring your membership card in, within the next 7 days. We'll only do this if you're a repeat offender though!

We take card sharing seriously, especially if you're sharing with someone who isn't a member or UC student. If we catch someone using your card to gain entry, we will suspend your membership temporarily (and theirs if they are a member).

Gym towels are super helpful. By using one, you're letting others know that you are thoughtful, care about their health and your own, and that you're both organised and an experienced gym user.

How to use:

  • Use it to wipe your own sweat regularly (so it doesn't flick off onto others nearby, or drip onto equipment/floor)
  • Lay it down on benches/seats as an extra barrier/absorption option if you're super fit and sweaty

Where to get one:

  • Bring one with you - generally a hand towel is enough, but some people prefer a larger one. You do you.
  • We rent hand towels for 50c, or shower towels for $1. See reception.

We're a casual gym, so just ensure that you follow these dress guidelines to be safe and comfortable:

  • Appropriate clothing includes a top and suitable shorts
  • Shoes that are closed toe and heel
  • Clean clothes, being clean and fresh is always best
  • Keep your shoes on at all times in training areas, this includes while doing any kind of lifting.
  • Please take your shoes offwhen kicking the boxing bags. Shoes damage the bags.

We all want the gym to be clean and fresh, and we're betting you don't want to clean up after anyone either, so here's a few tips to pay it forward:

  • Please use the wipes provided around the gym to clean down your equipment after use
  • Lay down your towel on equipment before use and/or use it regularly to wipe your own sweat

And on a personal note:

  • Deodorant goes a long way, if you haven't been able to get to a shower recently.
  • We sell low cost toiletries at reception if you forget yours, and rent shower towels, all under $1 each!
  • Shoes are required in most areas of the gym for hygiene and safety. Please wear them. We may ask you to leave if you don't have them.

We all want to walk into the gym and feel like there is something for us to use. We can get busy at peak times, so help each other out and work-in.

  • If you are resting between sets, let someone else do theirs. On our pin-loaded machines, easy as.
  • If working-in on plate loaded machines or barbells, ask to work-in if you're going to be using similar weight plates
  • Giant sets, circuits, EMOMs and AMRAPs are great, but please,avoid these types of workouts at peak time if it's busy, if it means you'll be the gym hoarder of gear!

Commercial grade equipment comes at a cost, and we aim to refresh our equipment regularly. Most equipment you'll be using is under five years old - don't let the state of the old building fool you! Help us keep the equipment working. The less we have to spend on fixing broken stuff, the more we can spend on keeping it up-to-date and modern for you to enjoy.

So, helpour community by respecting the equipment, and those around you:

  • Dropping weights from a height (ie anything above 20cm) is NEVER OK.
  • It damages the equipment, the floor, and can give the people around you a fright and feel intimidating
  • Lower your weight safely to the floor - if you can't do that on your own, then you might consider lowering the weight you're lifting orgetting some help with your technique
  • Use the equipment for it's intended purpose. Accidents happen when you don't. And that's never good.

It's pretty simple really - if you do the stuffbelow that makes life better for others, you're paying it forward. If everyone does it, it means you're going to have a great time when you workout, cause everything will be where you expect it to be, when you want it. It also keeps everyone safe, with less stuff to trip on around the floor. It's a team effort, so:

  • Leave barbells empty
  • Return dumbells to their racks
  • Returnplates to theirstorage trees
  • If you take something to another room/area, please return it to that room when you're done
  • Be sure not to block any walkway/egress/emergency exit at any time

We don't want anyone to trip up or have to awkwardly manoever around the room, especially if they have an injury or impairment that makes it hard enough already!

Please put your bags and other belongings away safely before working out. We have lots of FREE options:

  • Lockers in corridors and changing areas -bring your own padlock, or borrow one from us
  • Cubby holes in corridors and court areas
  • For smaller, valuable or awkward shaped items (eg single wallet/keys, violins) we have some space to look after it at reception
  • No bags are to be brought into training areas. Please lock up your bag, and bring only the individual items you need (lifting straps/belts etc.) into the gym. Store them as out-of-the-way as possible so as not to create a tripping hazard.

We also have a small number of long-term lockers available for hire- quite handy for leaving toiletries, gym shoes, yoga mats etc at the gym to make your life a little easier! See our Customer Experience Team at reception.

For privacy reasons, we reserve the right to restrict all photography at the gym, and this in included in your Terms and Conditions. Prior permission is required for photo or video shoots that are intended to be public.

BUT we know that there are valid reasons to take a selfie or video at the gym. So, we respectfully ask that you:

  • Ensure that selfies are clearly of yourself
  • If they include others, ask their permission before taking/posting
  • NEVER use your camera function in changing or toilet areas
  • NEVER take photos/video of GF classes or others training without asking first

Feel free to tag us onor. #ucrecandsport #ucreccentre

Sorry team, but fitness and group fitness are not spectator sports. Gymxiety is real. People are feeling vulnerable when they're learning something new or already feeling nervous about coming to the gym. Add a layer of performance anxiety from being watched, and a seemingly innocent act of watching someone workout may in fact be very upsetting for them.

  • Please watch your own form, and no-one else's
  • Keep your comments, volume and language choices in check
  • This isn't a pub or nightclub, so there's a good chance people are here to train and aren't expecting to be asked on a date. Please respect that.
  • If you feel uncomfortable at any time, please speak to a staff member as soon as you are able. We are able to provide a range of support services and solutions to ensure you can keep working out.
Our rules, your safety

You may be asked to rectify the situation immediately (such as put your shoes/shirt on or use a towel). If you don't want to follow our rules, you are able to leave the facility, and we may ask you to. Suspension and/or cancellation of membership is also an option if there is more serious misbehaviour. (such as sharing your card, or using someone else's to get in).

For more information

If you have any questions or feedback, pleaseemail theRec & Sport Manager.

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