- FIVE (5) players/ side (FOUR (4) court players and ONE (1) goalkeeper)
- At least ONE (1) of each gender on the court at all times(teams unable to field a correct team will give a TWO (2) goal advantage)
- A minimum of FOUR (4) players must start the game, the 5th player must be on court within 5min of game time
- Teams must wear matching bibs (supplied by UC Sport)
- Teams may register an unlimited number of players, only registered players are permitted to participate.
The Game
- 12 minute halves, 2 minute half time (30 minute turn around time)
- Running clock games
- Teams must be ready before the start of their game.
Court size
- Basketball sized court
Normal FIFA Futsal rules apply, except for the following alterations:
- Substitutions- Unlimited rolling substitutions. Players must enter and exit the game from their own defensive half when no markings.
- Draws- In the event of a draw there will be no extra time or penalty shootout unless the game is final.
- Dangerous playas outlined belowis prohibited:
- Minimal shoulder use will be tolerated (no arms)
- NO sliding or playing on the ground
- No tackling from behind
- Contact will be decided upon at the discretion of the referee
- Tuesday afternoons 2-5pm
- Breaks for University holidays
- Draws and other information about the competition will be posted and on.