Governance, Management and Administration (GMA)
Enrolment Financial Privacy泭(230域莉)
Raising a concern泭(93域莉)
Teacher Certification泭(108域莉)
Visitors to Centre泭(149域莉)
Premises and Facilities (P&F)泭
Environment Management Policy泭(95.5kb)
Health and Safety (H&S)
Emergency Procedures泭(115kb)
Child Protection泭(105kb)
Sleep Management泭(84kb)
Food and Drinks policy泭(186kb)
Accident Management Procedure泭(294kb)
Illness Management and Prevention Policy泭(123.8kb)
Preventing and managing illness procedure泭(168.6kb)
Managing Medicines泭(217kb)
Immunisation Policy泭(61kb)
Sun Protection Policy泭(157kb)
Curriculum (Curr)
Bicultural Statement泭(149kb)
Excursion Policy泭(61kb)
Supporting Children's Social Competence泭(157kb)
Over 2s Curriculum Management泭(89kb)
Under 2s Curriculum Management泭(96kb)
Under 2s Primary Care Policy泭(67kb)