

Wananga landing Wananga landing
Service department

People and Culture

P贖manawa Tangata

21 November 2023

The People and Culture team provides information, advice and support for employees and managers at the 厙ぴ勛圖. Every Faculty and Service Unit has the support of a People and Culture Business Partner, Coordinator and Recruitment Advisor.

Our focus is on leadership, talent management, performance, reward and recognition, personal development, ways of working and structures to enable the University to achieve its strategic goals.泭 Our intent is for our people to feel valued, and our students to receive an exceptional experience.


People and Culture


Contact us

We are located in Okeover House on the Ilam campus. Please ring the bell at the entrance, and a staff member will assist you. Alternatively please call our generic number x93330 or泭email us.

Okeover House
Private Bag 4800
New Zealand

Useful links


Ng Uara | Our Values

(P&C Staff only)

(UC staff only)

UC Organisation Chart

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