Anonymous donors (31) | Harcourt Gough | Stuart Payne |
Hon. Amy Adams | Marilyn Ruth Goulter | Robert & Andrea Peach |
Simon Adkins | Karen Grant | Ian Peacock |
Chris Ackroyd | Nathan Green | Barbara Peddie |
Michael Aldridge | Peter Greenway | Richard Penny |
Theresa Allan | David Greig | Shelley Perfect |
Berys Amor | Tessa Grigg & Drew Hartstone | Carl & Denise Pester |
Brendon Anderson | Linda Gunn | Sarah & Derek Pickering |
Jason Anderson | Marimuthu Gurunathan | John Pike |
Stu & Gaye Andrews | Crispin & Cecile Hales | Tsana Plessius |
Debra Angus | Bret & Cecilia Halverson | Warren & Miriam Poh |
Kevin & Susan Archer | Stephen Hamilton, QSM & Robyn Hamilton | Don Pointon |
Andrew Ashby & Bronwyn Hayward | Joshua Hammet | Kirstin Poole |
Peter Askey | Ruth Hanover | Gillian Postlewaight |
Hon. Margaret Austin | John Hare | Graham & Lynette Powell |
Carla Bacon | Michael Harper | James Powell |
Tommy Bai | Margaret Harrison | Craig & Julie Price |
Bronwyn Baiteary & Gordon Lissaman | Robin Harrison | Simon Prisk & Helen Meates |
Peter Ballantyne | Edward Harvey | Jolie Pritchard |
Robert Banks | Nicky Hawker | Philippe Pruneau |
Rosie Bannan | Emma Hayes | Caroline & Michael Rachlin |
Helen Barclay | Tim Hazledine | Barry & Diane Ramsay |
Phil Barnett | Andrew Heald | Kerry Ranapiri |
Belinda Barrett-Walker | Maureen Heffernan | Charles & Jemma Rangi |
Michael Bartram | Gerald Hensley | Paul & Jocelyn Redmond |
Valerie Bean | Sherie Higgins | Bob Reed |
James Beattie | Jason Hill | Andrew Revfeim |
Christopher Beaumont | Anneke Hille Ris Lambers | Geoff Rice & Edwina Palmer |
Simon Begg | Jennifer & Grant Hindlin-Miller | Colleen Rice |
Sarah Bennett | Jill Ho | John Richards |
Brett Berquist | Marian Hobbs | Philip & Jocelyn Richards |
Jasen Betts | Mary Hodge | Lavinia Roberts |
Emma Bickerstaffe | Nick Hodson & Rachel Hopkins | Anthony Robins |
Alastair Black | Merrill Holdsworth | Anne-Marie Robinson & Andrew Jefferies |
Simon Black | Neville Honey | Stephen Robinson |
Gillian Black | Bryce Hool | Bill Rosenberg |
Andrew Bloomer | Carl Horn | Fred Ross |
Elizabeth Bond | Peter Hosking | Marion Roydhouse |
Philip Bones | Rosemary Hudson | Julia Rucklidge |
Richard Bool | Graham Hulston | John Rutherford |
Samantha Boon | Kerry Huxford | Benjamin Rutz |
Amanda Booth | James & Jana Illston | Varun Sabharwal |
Grant & Patricia Borrie | Russell Ingram-Seal | Junid Saham & Lainah Yow Abdullah |
John Bourke | David Jack | Nathan Sandes |
Richard & Renata Bowen | Gerald & Marion Jacobson | Misty Sato |
David Boyce | Simon James | Mark Scotson |
Glenn Boyle | Geoffrey Jameson | Graham Scott |
Hon. Maxwell Bradford | David & Chris Janett | Peter Scott |
August Brakeley | Judy Kee Siong Jellicoe | Tim Scott |
Michael Brathwaite | Chris Jenkins | Morwenna Shahani |
Jan Breakwell | Harry Jol | Bob Shao |
Peter Broadway | Derek Johns, ONZM | Melissa Sharkey |
Christopher Brodrick | Xi Kang | Roy & Beverley Sharp |
Scott Brooker | Bonnie Kaplan | Chris Sheedy & Marsha Brewer |
Deborah Brosnahan | Joe Kaufman & Janet Korins | Isabelle Sin |
P M R Browne | Richard Keene | James Skurupey |
Michael Browning | Mark Kelly | Marlene & Gordon Smith |
Coral Bryant | Simon Kemp | Richard Smolnicki |
Andrew Buchanan | Miles & Betsy Kennedy | Gillian Smythe |
Rewi Bugo | Ingrid Kerr | Michael Snowden |
John Burrows, CNZM | Suzi Kerr | Reagan Solodi |
Craig Butcher | Gavin Kingsley | Shireen Spaull |
Martin Button | Thea & David Kleiber | Mark Standeven |
Christine Butts | Geoff Knowler | Gary & Tania Starling |
Dawn Caldwell | Andrew Knowles | Colin Starnes |
Ranui Calman | Margaret Koe | Sarah Steele & Owen Paulsen |
Sue Calvert | Kathy Kok | Thomas Steinke |
David Campbell | Cheong Koo | Natalie Steur |
Julia Capper | John Landon-Lane | Liz Stevens |
Robert Carlyon | Rick Laugesen | Mark Stewart MNZM & Ainsley Walter |
John Carney | Claire Leach | Chris & Mike Suggate |
Rod Carr | Francesca Lee | Rob & Susan Summerby-Murray |
Nicholas Carter | Kirdan Lees | Pip Swaney |
Allan Carvell & Dale Sutherland | Chris & Raewyn Leeves | Bruce Swanney |
Kyle Cave | Angela Lewis | Rod Syme, ONZM, & Pat Syme |
Jim & Penny Cavers | Geoff Lewis | Philippa Tait |
David Caygill, CNZM | Sky Li | Richard Tait |
XiaoQi Chen | Joseph Lill | Anna Tam |
Yao-Tsung Chen | Bob Lineham | Amanda Taylor |
Rebecca Chenery | Jade Lloyd | Bruce Taylor |
Noel Chin | Ken & Beverley Lord | Ingrid Taylor |
Phillipa Chirnside | Donald Love | Paul & Carolyn Taylor |
Coacine Chong | Bev Lowe & John Riley | Sara Templeton |
Mairi Clark | Russell Lowe | Alastair Tennent |
Velma & Bevan Clarke | Joanne Lyall | Eddie Tham |
Bente Clausen | Jeanette Lye | Kiem Thia |
John Clemens & Paula Jameson | Richard & Barbara Mace | John Thomas |
Jeff Clendon | Cameron MacPherson | Chris Thompson |
Ellie Compton | Max & Helen Maginness | Alison Thomson |
Dean Cooper | Graeme Mahoney | Geoffrey & Diana Thomson |
Kirsty Cooper | Michelle Mahuika | Anita Thorne |
Kris Cooper | David & Helen Maidment | Jocelyn Thornton |
Pauline Cotter | Selwyn Maister | Richard Thornton |
Philipa Cotter | Karen Mather | Hon. Jan Tinetti |
Sina Cotter Tait & John Tait | Jane Mancer | Brian Tinsley |
Bob & Anne Couch | Lloyd Mander | Derek Tovey |
Muir Coup | Raf Manji | Ngoc-Bich Tran |
Greg Cox | Robin & Annette Mann | Helen Trappitt |
Helen Crabb | Susy Mannall | Lorraine Trebilcock |
Eric Crampton | Jacqui Manson | Parnell Trost |
Michael Cree | Anna Marshall | Katherine Trought |
Lindsay & Jillian Crossen | Robyn Martin | Nick Tunnicliffe |
John Crowe | Troy Matheson | Matthew Turnbull |
John Culley | Nicholas Maxwell | Barbara Turner |
Yvonne Culling | Kirsty May | Roland van Bommel |
Jonathan Cunningham | John McArthur | Christopher van der Krogt |
Elizabeth Cunningham | Margaret McArthur | Ron van Til |
Shanyn Curry | Marg & Nigel McConnochie | Norman & Tara Van Toai |
Stephen Dahnke | Tony McCormick | Phil & Diana Veal |
Hon. Lianne Dalziel, CNZM | Judy & Allen McDonald | Kathryn Venator |
Anne Daniel | Susan McDonald | Inthu Vettivel |
Sue Davies-Young | Jade McDowall | Adrienne von Tunzelmann |
Cheryl de la Rey | Bob & Val McFadden | Neil Voyce |
Mark Dineen | Kelly McFadzien | Pamela Wade |
Una Diver | Janna McGuigan | Margaret Wade-Wilson |
Maureen Doherty | Sally McIver | Frian Wadia |
Peter Dohrn | Judith & Neill McKay | Marinus Wagenvoort |
Patrick Dolan | Matt McKay | Jacob Waitere |
Martin Dorahy | Kaye McKee | Helen Walker |
John Dowers | Mark McKinstry & Gillian Calvert | Justin Wall |
Jo Dowling | Rowena McNabb | Verity Warn |
Jenny Drake | Struan McOmish | Mathew Watts |
Margaret Duncan | Raina Meha | John & Helen Waugh |
Kathryn Ell | Tony Menzies | Jeff Wei |
Mark Ellis | Philippa Miller Moore | Heather White |
Noeline Ellis | Kirsten Milliken | Scott Whiteman |
Matapura Ellison | Frank Minehan | Kirsty Whiteside |
Sue Fahey | Ross Mockett | Anne Wignall |
Leanora Fallon | Alice Moore | Barrie Wilkinson |
Roy Ferguson, QSO, & Dawn Ferguson | David Moore | Bryce Wilkinson |
Peter Field | Elizabeth Morgan | David Wilkinson |
Joe Finetti | Jo-anne Morgan | Rob Wilkinson |
Andrew Flanagan | John Morris | Deborah Williams & David Minifie |
Richard Flay | Helen Mounsey | Nicolas Williams & Catherine Levermore |
Gwen Foong | Alan & Gwynneth Moyle | Sandra Williamson-Leadley |
Ewan & Marilyn Fordyce | Carl Muller | Jeremy & Merion Willis |
Kirsten Forsyth | Tim Munro | Andrew & Karen Wilson |
Mark & Isadora Forward | Glenda Murphy | Grant Wilson |
Patrick Fraher | Clare & Justin Murray | Greig Wilson |
Christopher Freear | Anupama Narayanan Kutty | John Wilson |
Shelley Frost | Rabindra Nathan | Jill Winter |
Julie Fry | Amber Nell | Jen Wong |
Alistair Fussell | Ximena Nelson | John & Rose Wood |
Ian Fulton | Corallyn Newman | Alan Woodfield |
Andrew Fyfe & Nicola Cooper | Murray Newman | Gaye Woodlock |
Richard Garland | Hoh Kong Ngiau | John Wooles |
Jennifer Garrett | Andrew Nuttall | Emma Woolford |
Rosemary Gawn | John O'Connell | Bruce Wylie |
Ian Gemmill | Alison Oertly | Janet Wynn-Williams |
Jane George | Jeremy Oliver | Zelda Yates |
James Gibb | Nigel Oliver | Corey Yeatman |
Shelley Gibson | Simon Olliver | James Yetman |
David Giles | Rachel O'Neil | Mike Yip |
Luke Gillespie & Bridget Williams | John & Jennifer Packer | Joseph Yong |
Gail & Phillip Gillon | Sally Page | Ashley Young |
Lynette Glynn | Gilbert Palliparampil | Lee Young |
Beth Goodwin | Janet Palmer Anderson | Graham & Ruth Zanker |
Nick Gormack | Leonie & Graeme Partridge | Jody Zhang |
Peter Gostomski | Eric Pawson | Sharon Zollner |
Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand | Enztec Ltd | New Plymouth District Council |
AECOM New سԹLimited | Ernst & Young - Knowledge Centre | New سԹAluminium Smelters Limited |
AFW and JM Jones Foundation | Escea Ltd | New سԹAntarctic Research Institute |
Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust | European Commission | New سԹBusiness & Parliament Trust |
Amazon Smile Org Central | Fable Christchurch | New سԹInstitute for |
Minerals to Materials Research |
Andrew W Mellon Foundation | Fiddlesticks | New سԹLaw Foundation |
Anthony Harper | Fire and Emergency New Zealand | New سԹSteel |
Antarctica New Zealand | First Gas | NZ Honey Trust |
Apiculture New Zealand | Fisher and Paykel Healthcare | Oakley Mental Health |
Aqualinc Research Ltd | Fisheries Society of the British Isles | Office of the Privacy Commissioner |
Ashley-Rakahuri Rivercare Group | Foot Science International Limited | Pacific Cooperation Foundation |
Aurecon | Forest Growers Levy Trust | Pacific Development and Conservation Trust |
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering | FrontierSI - Spatial Information Systems Research Ltd | Papanui Combined Probus |
AUT Ventures Ltd | Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Programme | Partners Life Limited |
AW Fraser | Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd | Pegasus Health |
AW Trinder Ltd | Google Australia Pty Ltd | Pells Sullivan Meynink |
Bank of New Zealand | Government of Nanavut | Penguins International |
Banqer | Graduate Women Canterbury | Power Systems Consultants Ltd |
BECA | Gut Foundation | Precision Driven Health |
Bead and Proceed | HansaWorld New سԹLtd | PreKure |
Ben Gough Family Foundation | Hefma Trust | Pure Storage |
Benevity Causes | High Performance Sport New Zealand | PwC |
Bragato Research Institute | HOPE Foundation for Research on Ageing | Rata Foundation |
Brian Mason Scientific & Technical Trust | HP | Re-generate NZ |
Building Research Association of New Zealand | Hugh McDougall Rankin Education Trust | Research Council of Norway |
Burleigh Evatt Ltd | Ian Brookie Barrister | Research First |
Caliber Design | InFact | Research Foundation |
Canterbury Ecological Research Trust | Infrastructure Decision Support (IDS) Ltd | Research Institute of Amin Azma Shargh |
Canterbury Education and Research for Health of Older Person | INSOL International | Resilespur Consulting |
Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce | Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences | Resource Development Consultants Ltd |
Canterbury History Foundation | Institute of Humane Studies | Riccarton Rotary Youth Trust |
Canterbury Medical Research Fundation | Isaac Wildlife Conservation Trust | Riley Consultants Ltd |
Carsin Trust | Jacobs New سԹLtd | Royal New سԹBallet |
Chalky Carr Trust | Jade Software Corporation Ltd | Royal New سԹNavy |
Chapman Tripp | James K Baxter Charitable Trust | Royal Society of Chemistry |
Christchurch Adelaide Sister City Committee | JD Reid Limited | Royal Society Te Apārangi |
Christchurch Methodist Mission | Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand | Sir Campbell and Lady Leita Wylie Foundation |
Christchurch Symphony Orchestra | Kathryn Dalziel Barrister | Society for Death Studies |
CIGRE New سԹNational Committee | Kea Aerospace | Society of Petroleum Engineers |
Colour Me Safe | Kiwibank Limited | Spark |
Commonwealth Department of Industry and Science | KiwiNet | Stantec New Zealand |
ConcreteNZ Learned Society | Laura Ferguson Trust | Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures |
Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information | Lighthouse Vision Trust | Tait Foundation |
CPA Australia | Lilburn Trust | Tauhara North No. 2 Trust |
Crusaders | Lincoln University Centennial Trust | Taurus Group Ltd |
Curators House | Lottery Health Research Grant | Te Puni Kokiri |
Cure Kids | Lyttelton Port Company | Te Tītoki Mataora MedTech Research Translator |
Dawn Aerospace | Mainpower New سԹLtd | Templeton World Charity Foundation |
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust | Than Hsiang Temple |
Deloitte | Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust | The Pittsburgh Foundation |
Department of Internal Affairs | Maxwell Logistics | U3A Godley |
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation | McCall MacBain Foundation | U3A Kate Sheppard |
Doha Institute for Graduate Studies | McCallum Whyte Family Trust | U3A Okeover |
Donnithorne Family Trust | McMillan Civil Ltd | UC Motorsport |
Earthwise Group Limited | Merck Partnership of Giving | UK Research and Innovation |
EcoCare Pacific Trust | Microsoft | UniLodge |
Electricity Engineers Associations | Miss E L Hellaby Indigenous | Université Paul Sabatier |
Grasslands Research Trust |
Embassy of France | Mobil Oil New سԹLimited | Victoria Food Service |
Embassy of Ireland | National Institute of Standards and Technology | VXT Limited |
Embassy of the United States of America | National Institutes of Health | Whaka-Ora Health Harbour |
Energy Education Trust New Zealand | Navitas | UCIC | WIDE Trust |
Engineering New Zealand | Neurological Foundation | Wynn Williams |
Environmental Defence Society | New Phytologist Trust | |