2014 Calendar(PDF, 5.54MB)
Sections of the 2014 Calendar
1.General Information pp1-7 (PDF, 421KB)
2. General Regulations and Policies
- Academic Award Regulationspp8-13 (PDF, 52KB)
- Admission Regulationpp14-27 (PDF, 115KB)
- Enrolment and Fees Policies and Regulationspp28-41 (PDF, 513KB)
- General Course and Examination Regulationspp42-56 (PDF, 118KB)
- Other Regulationspp57-61 (PDF, 54KB)
- Academic Policiespp62-63 (PDF, 26KB)
- General Policiespp64-65 (PDF, 26KB)
3. Award Regulations
- Contentspp66-71 (PDF, 64KB)
- Faculty of Commercepp72-107 (PDF, 255KB)
- Faculty of Creative Artspp108-122 (PDF, 130KB)
- Faculty of Educationpp123-182 (PDF, 412KB)
- Faculty of Engineering and Forestrypp183-214 (PDF, 257KB)
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencespp215-348 (PDF, 864KB)
- Faculty of Lawpp349-365 (PDF, 144KB)
- Faculty of Sciencepp366-447 (PDF, 559KB)
- Bridging Programmes Board of Studiespp448-453 (PDF, 65KB)
- Doctoratespp454-472 (PDF, 138KB)
4.Course Catalogue pp473-855 (PDF, 2.31MB)
5.Index pp856-8868 (PDF, 83KB)