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2006 UC Calendar

04 December 2023

The 2006 Calendar is available electronically in 10 parts:

Sections of the Calendar
  1. General Information泭 pg1-36 (PDF, 539KB)

  2. Academic Awards Regulations泭pg37-41 (PDF, 71KB)

  3. Admission泭pg42-52 (PDF, 128KB)

  4. Enrolment and Fees Policies Regulations泭pg53-67 (PDF, 193KB)

  5. General Course and Examination Regulations泭pg68-79 (PDF, 126KB)

  6. Course Regulations泭pg80-487 (PDF, 6.6MB)

  7. Prescriptions泭pg488-842 (PDF, 4.6MB)

  8. General Regulations泭pg843-857 (PDF, 175KB)

  9. Student Services泭pg858-867 (PDF, 187KB)

  10. Index泭pg868-880 (PDF, 143KB)

Amendments to the printed version of the 2006 Calendar
  • p.9
    Show Day is 17 November 2006

  • p.10
    Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Engineering) is Professor Peter Jackson

  • p.79 GCER T
    A full time candidate is one who is enrolled for ... 0.4 EFTS or more for full time/part year study (first or second semester).

  • p.843 Discipline Regulation
    These regulations have been revised. The revised version supersedes the version in the hard copy of the 2006 Calendar.
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