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Peter Roberts




School of Social and Cultural Studies

17 October 2023


  • Bachelor of Arts (University of Auckland)

  • Doctor of Philosophy (University of Waikato)

  • Master of Arts with Honours (University of Auckland)

Research Interests

Peter's primary areas of scholarship are philosophy of education and educational policy studies. His research interests include the ethics and politics of education, literature and education, the work of Paulo Freire, and tertiary education policy.

  • Philosophy of Education
  • Educational Policy Studies

Recent Publications

  • Roberts P., Webster RS. and Quay J. (2023) Philosophy, Death and Education. New York: Peter Lang. 128 pp. .
  • Roberts P. (2022) Paulo Freire: Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Practice. New York: Peter Lang. 140 pp. .
  • Roberts P. (2022) Performativity, Politics and Education: From Policy to Philosophy. Leiden: Brill. 146 pp. .
  • Roberts P. and Saeverot H. (2018) Education and the Limits of Reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov. New York: Routledge. 143. .
  • Roberts P. (2016) Happiness, hope, and despair: Rethinking the role of education. New York: Peter Lang. 140. .


Peter took up his current appointment in April 2008, having previously worked for 13 years at the University of Auckland (1995-2008) and 7 years at the University of Waikato (1988-1994). His teaching and research interests are in philosophy of education and educational policy studies.


EDUC 206 Education and Society: Ideals and Realities
EDUC 339 Globalisation, Social Justice and Education
EDEM 650 Educational Philosophy and Policy
EDUC795 Research Portfolio, EdD

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