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HealthTech Challenge 2023

23 August 2023

Do you have an idea, research project, or product that could positively impact the health sector? The HealthTech Challenge helps individuals and teams develop commercially feasible solutions for the health sector. Find out about UC's HealthTech Challenge.


TheHealthTechChallenge2023 is aten-weekthat aims to equip individuals and teams with a venture idea, research, or a non-commercialisedproductor serviceto developcommerciallyfeasiblesolutions for thehealthsector.

Why Enter?

ByenteringtheHealthTechChallengeyou will havethe opportunity toaccess:

  • A $10,000cash prize pool
  • A $5,000 in-kindsupport package to take your venture to the next level.
  • Expertcoaching, mentoring and support throughouttheprogramme.
  • Advanced start-up knowledge and resources.
  • Prominentstakeholders and investorsfromthelocal and national innovationecosystem.
  • Cohort-based accelerated learning and support.
  • UCE’srapid prototypinganddigital printing facility.
  • Complimentaryhot-desks, deep-workspaces,refreshments,and use of UCE facilities.
Do you have the next big idea?
FFA product


What new innovative productscan we create toincreasethe value of the sector?

FFA technology

Data & Technology

What new data, process or technology solutions can we implement to improve the efficiency and output ofthe sector?

FFA sustainability

Environment & Sustainability

What new commercial ideas or emerging research will have a beneficial impact on our environment or contribute to the sector’s sustainability goals?

HealthTech Challenge 2023 will seek concepts based on emerging technology/product/sustainability solutions which are aligned to:

  • Healthcare in the community (E.g., primary care, community initiatives)
  • Equity and access
  • Patient choice
  • System time efficiency
  • Healthcare for vulnerable communities (E.g., aged care, mental health, disabled people)
What Participants Say

“Go for it. If it’s your first venture, it’ll open your eyes”

“I really enjoyed the collective cohort energy and to challenge my assumptions”

“You get to meet so many knowledgeable people in such a short time”

“I came to UCE for the energy, experiences and progress”

Key Dates
Applications openFriday 4thAugust 2023
Applications closeWednesday 6thSeptember at 11:59 pm
Successful applications advisedWednesday 13thSeptember
Challenge Launch Day (full day event)Monday 25thSeptember
Speed mentoring & industry eventThursday 12thOctober (TBC)
Labour Day holidayMonday 23rdOctober
Canterbury Anniversary holidayFriday 17thNovember
Finalist Round JudgingThursday 23rdNovember (TBC)
Finalists for Awards and Finale presentation announcedThursday 23rdNovember (TBC)
Awards Round JudgingThursday 30thNovember (morning)
Finale eventThursday 30thNovember (evening)

The programme consists of 90-120 minute sessions, held twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4pm at the UC Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Attending the in-person sessions is highly recommended to gain the most benefit from the programme, as the group learning experience is a key advantage. However, an online option will be available for those who are unable to attend in person due to location, work, or health issues, which can be discussed with UCE.

To fully participate in the programme, it is essential to attend the launch day, industry event with speed mentoring, and the finale. On average, participants should allocate approximately five hours per week to the programme, which includes attending the in-person or virtual sessions, additional support sessions, and meeting with coaches and assigned advisors.

Participants can also schedule one-on-one coaching/mentoring sessions with their advisor outside of the twice-weekly sessions to better fit their schedule.

Most participants benefit from dedicating an approximate 5-8 hours per week in addition to the programme.

The focus of the HealthTech Challenge 2023 is validating founder-led and research-driven ideas, prior to getting market traction and full investment in their commercialisation. Topics covered will include:

  • Intellectual property and freedom to operate
  • Customer discovery and problem / solution fit
  • Value proposition design
  • Testing assumptions
  • Competitor analysis
  • Identifying an initial target market
  • Customer acquisition
  • Business model design
  • Finance and investment readiness
  • Pitching your venture idea

Content, delivered by the UC Centre for Entrepreneurship team, will be amplified through:

  • Matching each venture with a mentor, experienced entrepreneur or commercialisation experts
  • Speed mentoring sessions
  • Case studies of recent commercialisation of HealthTech ideas presented by current entrepreneurs
  • Presentations by other agencies within the innovation ecosystem on how they can support or fund new ventures and research
  • Industry events connecting ventures to relevant industry players

What are the Eligibility Criteria?

The HealthTech Challenge is open to any team or individual living in New سԹat the time of the entry submission deadline with an idea that could transform the future of the health outcomes in the Canterbury region and beyond.

  • A team cannot enter into this Challenge with a product or service that is in market or generating revenue at the time of the entry submission deadline.
  • There is no minimum or maximum team size i.e. you can enter as a team of one or a team of twenty.
  • Individuals can enter and participate in the Challenge simultaneously with different submissions and as a part of multiple teams.

Participation in the Challenge is entirely at the discretion of the Challenge Organisers.

The Challenge Organisers reserve the right to reject or disqualify any entry, team or individual participant at any time without explanation or recourse.

By submitting an entry into this Challenge you agree to comply with and be bound by theTerms & Conditionsof this Challenge.

Judging Criteria

All applications will be judged according to the degree to which they satisfy the following overarching criteria:

  • An innovative product that is scalable and potentially protectable.
  • Clear market opportunity (i.e., potential customers in NZ and overseas).
  • It is technically feasible, safe and sustainable.
  • The right capability to execute at the commercialisation stage that they are currently at.


  • All Judges will sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to accessing any of the applications.
  • All judges will be required to declare any conflict of interest as soon as they become aware, and the Challenge Organisers will manage conflicts of interests at their sole discretion. If an entrant becomes aware of a conflict of interest with the Challenge Organisers, sponsors, other participants, mentors or any judge they must immediately inform the Challenge Organisers.

See theTerms & Conditionsfor more detail.

Can I submit more than one idea?
Yes - you can submit more than one idea but you will need to submit separate entries for each idea.

Can a team be just one person?
Yes - there is no minimum or maximum number of team members.

Can my product be in-market?
No - this Challenge is only for entries with products or solutions that are not in-market i.e. earning revenue.

Are the judges and mentors bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)?

Do the organisers of this Challenge take an equity stake in my venture?

Does it cost me anything to enter in this Challenge?

How do I protect my IP when I apply?
We will make it clear in the entry form which parts of your application will be publicised. If you make it to the Finals Round we will work with you to help protect your IP.The Terms & Conditions of the Challenge prohibits any Entrant, the Organiser, Sponsors, Judges or Challenge Partners to make a claim with respect to ownership or release without permission of any intellectual property created by any Challenge Entrant.

Do I have to attend the Programme in person. If so, what is the time commitment?
Yes - you are expected to attend the Challenge in person where possible. The programme consists of 90-120 minute sessions, held twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4pm at the UC Centre for Entrepreneurship. Most participants benefit from dedicating an approximate 5-8 hours per week in addition to the programme.

Time commitment will be approximately five hours per week (this includes mentoring sessions). As most of the sessions will be live-streamed or recorded you can view them in your own time if you are not able to participate in real time. There will be three in-person sessions over the course of the Programme where all participants are expected to attend – the Launch, the Industry Event, and the Finale (if you are selected as a Challenge Finalist).

If you would like to get in touch, contact UC Centre for Entrepreneurshipuce@canterbury.ac.nz

About the Challenge

The HealthTech Challenge (the "Challenge") is a competition thatidentifiesandrecognisesinnovative and impactful ideas, products and services related to any part of thehealthsector. The Challenge asks Entrants to address one of the following focus areas: 

  • What new products can we make togrowthe value of ourhealth sector? 
  • What new data, process or technology solutions can we implement to improve the efficiency and output of ourhealth sector? 
  • What new commercial ideas or emerging research will have a beneficial impact on the sector’s sustainability goals? 

Entrants, particularly those with research drive entrants, might be interested in the relevance of VisonMātaurangaa, MBIE’s a policy framework designed toassistresearch funders,researchersand research users when they consider research of relevance to Māori – see 


The HealthTech Challenge has three parts: 

  • An application process deciding who enters theprogramme 
  • Aten-weekValidatorprogramme, in which:
  • the entrants’ proposals are objectively and systematically probed and tested 
  • the market opportunity is evaluated 
  • the target market is understood 
  • the required product/service features are specified 
  • a business model is developed before time and money is spent in full scale product development. 
  • A FinalRound where the finalists compete for awards and cash and in-kind prizes. The Finaleevent, where finalists will present their ideas, will be held onThursday 30thNovember2023(location tbc). 

A group of Judges will decideon:

  • Who enters theprogramme 
  • Who are the Finalists who will present at the Finale 
  • Whoareawarded cash and in-kind prizes. 

Purpose of the Challenge

TheHealthTechChallenge is designed to provide both financial resources, in-kind, and expert support for teams with an ambitious vision about the future of Healthin Canterbury. Through the Challenge we aim to: 

  • Identifynew innovations from thehealthsector that have the potential to add value and have an impact locally,nationallyand internationally. 
  • Create an opportunity for existing industry players to discover novel ways to tackle problems. 
  • Accelerate the development ofHealth technologystartups with global potential. 
  • Increase the impact of research performed in CRIs and tertiary institutions. 

We will strive to ensure every team that engages with the Challenge will be able to grow their capabilities and at the same time, accelerate the development and deployment of their ideas. 


The Challenge isorganisedby the سԹ Centre for Entrepreneurship (UCE) andChristchurchNZ(theOrganisers). The contact person for this Challenge isVaughan Broderick,Impact Lead at UCE -contact:uce@canterbury.ac.nz.

Information Website and Terms & Conditions

The Challenge websitecontainsall the relevant information, key dates, the deadlines for submissions, and maycontainadditionalrules or limitations. 

TheHealthTechwebsite is atvalidator.co.nz.

By entering, all Entrants agree that they have read,understoodand agree tocomply withand be bound by the following Termsand Conditions (T&Cs) for the Challenge. 

The ChallengeOrganisersreserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions by posting such amendments to the Challenge website. Entrants and Participants are assumed to agree and consent to the amended Terms and Conditions if they continue toparticipatefollowing the publication of the amendments to the Challenge website. 

The ChallengeOrganisersreserve the right to suspend or cancel the Challenge at their sole discretion, at any time, for any reason, and without notice. 

The ChallengeOrganisersretainthe right to, at their sole discretion,determineif an Entrant,teamor submissioncomplies withthese Terms and Conditions. 


The Challenge is only open to participants living in New سԹat the time of the entry submission deadline. All Entrants must be based in New سԹforthe duration of the Challenge. While content will be recorded and livestreamed, the maximum benefits will beachieved in a cohort setting. Therefore, participants are strongly encouraged to attend sessions in-person at the سԹand other industry locations. At a minimum,in-personattendance at the launch, industry event and the Finale event isrequired. 

Entrants can apply to enter the Challenge individually or as a team (there is no restriction on team size) by completing the online application form. The application formmust be completed in English. A team canonly enter the Challenge once. An individual may enter the challenge as part of multiple teams. No team or individual can assign or transfer their rights of participation to others under any circumstances.  

This Challenge is only open to products or services that are in a pre-commercial or earlier stage. To be eligible the entrants must not be obtaining any revenue from the product or service they are entering in the Challenge. 

You may only make submissions on your own behalf. Entriessubmittedthrough third parties, agencies or by automated means (such as scripts and macros) will not be accepted. 

All entrants (including all individuals on a team) warrant that all personal informationsubmittedis true,currentand complete. 

The ChallengeOrganisersreserve the right to reject or disqualify an entry, team orindividualat any time. This right may be exercised withoutprior warningand without giving any reasons.  The decision to disqualify an entry, team or individual is final and conclusive. Entrants have no claim or remedy with respect to being disqualified. 

Entry to the Challenge is open fromFriday 4thAugust2023to 11:59 PM (NZST)Wednesday 6thSeptember2023. Entries received after the Challenge application deadline may not be considered. 

Entrants may withdraw their entry at any time by emailing the ChallengeOrganisersstatingthat you wish to withdraw. 

Submissions may notcontainillegal or discriminatory content and may not advocate for or support unethicalbehaviour(asdeterminedat the sole discretion of theOrganisers). 

TheOrganisersreserve the right to verify an individual’s eligibility toparticipatein the Challenge.  


There is no fee to enter the Challenge. 


In all activities associated with the Challenge, all Entrants agree to conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and respectful of (and not disruptive to) the other Challenge participants, ChallengeOrganisers, and others involved in the Challenge. 

Conflict of Interest

Entrants must declare any potential conflict of interest as soon as they become aware of a potential conflict. Failure to declare any potential conflict of interest may result in disqualification and forfeiture of any prize awarded. This declaration must be made in writing to the ChallengeOrganisersby emailinguce@canterbury.ac.nz

Intellectual Property

Entrantswarrantthat, unless expresslystatedotherwise, theyownor have the right to use all of any of the intellectual property rights associated with their submissions to the Challenge.  

The ChallengeOrganisersreserve the right to disqualify any entry and exclude the Entrantsimmediatelyif there is reason to believe that the entry breaches, or potentially breaches, a third party’slegal rights. 

Plagiarism, copyright violations, and other forms of dishonesty are prohibited. Such acts of dishonesty and intellectual property violations will be grounds for immediate disqualification from the Challenge and forfeiture of any prizes awarded. 

Nothing in the Terms and Conditions of the Challenge allows any Entrant to make a claim with respect to ownership of any intellectual property created by another Challenge Entrant.  

Any IP contained in materials provided to Entrants shall remain the property of the ChallengeOrganisersor Challenge Partnerprovidingthose materials. 

Sharing confidential IP provided in the Challenge to 3rd parties is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to; selling, giving, or distributing IP. 

Entrants may not include in their submissions any content in which another person ororganisationhas a proprietary interest unless prior, written permission is obtained. 

Entrantswarrantthat, except asdisclosedin their submission, the Entrant owns all rights, titles, and interests in and to the content of the submission. 

Entrants warrant that neither their participation, nor the participation of any team members, nor their compliance with these T&Cs will infringe, misappropriate, or violate the rights of any third parties, or will breach any agreement that has been entered into, or will enter into with any thirdparty, including without limitation any agreement to keep any third party’s proprietary information confidential.  

Entrants acknowledge thatChristchurchNZis the lawful owner of the name, “ChristchurchNZ” and its associated trademarks and service marks. Entrants agree that without advance written approval from a senior manager ofChristchurchNZ, Entrants will take no action inconsistent withChristchurchNZ’sownership of its names, trademarks, and service marks, including without limitation any incorporation of any of the foregoing into a longer name or other logo. For the avoidance of doubt, Entrants expressly agree not to use the logo or other trademarks ofChristchurchNZon any product being offered for sale, any promotional material or for any other commercial purposes whether in a physical or online format. 

Entrants must not enter into any written or oral agreement that conflicts with these Terms and Conditions. 


The main sponsor of the Challenge isChristchurchNZ 
ChristchurchNZ’s principal office islocatedat: 
PO Box 2962, Christchurch 
BNZ Centre, Level 3, 11 Cashel Street, Christchurch 8011 

Additionalsponsors of the Challenge are listed on the home page of the Challenge Website. 

Acceptance into theHealthTechChallenge 2023

Entry intoHealthTechChallengewill be decided upon by an internal committee of industry andcommercialisationexperts (Judges). Up to 25 entries will be selected for theHealthTech Challenge. It is at the Judges' discretion as to the final number selected for theChallenge. 

Progression to the Finals rounds of theHealthTechChallenge 2023

At about Week8ofthe HealthTech Challenge, up to ten participants will be selected by the Judges to enter the Finals round ofChallenge. Finalists willbe requiredto present their idea at the Finale onthe30th ofNovember 2023. 

Finalists willbe requiredto present their proposal to the Judges in a format to bedecided, but which may require a written submission, attendance in person or remote delivery of information by the participant. The requirements for this round may differ from the criteria for entry intothe HealthTechChallengebut the overarching judging criteria will not change. The Judges maysolicitadditionalinformation from entrantsin order todeterminethe Finalists. 

Awards and Prizes

A panel of up to 8 Judges will select, from the Finalists, who receives awards and prizes. 

At the Judges’ discretion, in consultation with the ChallengeOrganisers, one or more of any special prizes may bedeterminedbefore the final round of judging. 

Claiming Prizes

To claim the Challenge prizes (cash and/or in-kind awards), the winning team member(s) must meet all the Challenge application and eligibility requirements. 

Both cash and in-kind prizes are personal to the winning team member(s) and are non-transferable. Any attempt to transfer the prize may result in forfeiture of the prize. No cash alternative is offered for the in-kind awards. 

Entrantsare responsible forany and alltaxes which may be payable as the result of the receipt of any prize. 

All prizes must be redeemed orforfeitedby20December 2023. 

The ChallengeOrganisersreserve the right to not award prizes if there are no suitable submissions. If aparticluarcash prize is not awarded the cash may be redistributed to the other cash prizes at the discretion of the ChallengeOrganisers. 

If Entrants do not acknowledge acceptance of any prize, are unwilling or unable to attend the Awards event, or are unwilling or unable to comply with the Terms and Conditions of the prize, or if any Entrants claim any prize, but are later determined to be ineligible for the prize, then the Entrants will forfeit the prize and will not receive any alternative prize. In any of these instances, the ChallengeOrganisersmay choose whether to award the prize to another Entrant. 

Judging Processes and Confidentiality

All applications to enter theprogrammeand any informationsubmittedthereafter will be treated as confidential by the ChallengeOrganisers,sponsorsand judges.  

Applicants are not expected toprovideor reveal proprietary informationregardingtheir products,processesor services. 

Judges willbe requiredto sign non-disclosure agreements and will berequiredto securely dispose of all electronic and paper copies of an entry as soon as judging is completed. 

Judges willbe requiredto declare any conflicts of interest. Potential conflicts of interest will be managed at the sole discretion of the ChallengeOrganisers. 

Judges’ scores and comments will remainconfidential,and no correspondence will be entered intoregardingthe outcome of the selection of the participants at each round nor in the selection of prize winners. 


Contact information provided to the ChallengeOrganiserswill be used to contact the entrants throughout the Challenge for the purposes oforganisingand coordinating participation in the Challenge. All teams will be asked todesignateone person as the primary contact for the Challenge. 

It is the responsibility of the Entrants toprovideup-to-date andaccuratecontact informationtothe ChallengeOrganisers. Ifaccuratecontact information is not provided to the ChallengeOrganisers, the Entrant shallforfeitthe opportunity toparticipateand have no claim against the ChallengeOrganisersor sponsors.  

ChristchurchNZwill keep records of all winning team members for at least two years after the prize is awarded. For a period of at least six months,ChristchurchNZwill display the winning team members’ names and photos on the Challenge website. 

Entrants acknowledge that the ChallengeOrganisers,ChristchurchNZand its agents may photograph and/or record any Challenge-related events. Entrants grant toChristchurchNZ, the non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid, irrevocable, sub-licensable right and license (but not the obligation) to use, modify, publish, republish, publicly display and copy any Entrants’, name, alias, and biographical information provided to the ChallengeOrganisers, and any voice recordings, photographs, quotes and excerpts, or any other likeness whether captured before, during, or after theHealthTechChallenge (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Likeness”), and the ‘Public Domain Section’ of any submission, for any lawful purpose and for advertising, publicity, marketing, promotion and fundraising efforts ofChristchurchNZand its variousprogrammes, products, and events, and all allied ancillary and subsidiary rights therein and thereto (including without limitation merchandising and commercial tie-in rights), without separate compensation to you. 

By entering, all entrants understand that the Likeness and ‘Public Domain Section’ of the submission may be copied, reproduced, and distributed by means of various media, including without limitation video and audio recordings, television, radio, news releases, mail-outs, emails, billboards, signs, brochures, websites, online and other digital and electronic delivery including social media, publication, display, or promotion on any and all other media. The Likeness and ‘Public Domain Section’ of the submission may be subject to reasonable modification or editing. Entrants will have no right to review the modified Likeness or ‘Public Domain Section’ of the submission before it is used andChristchurchNZ’sdecisions with respect to the use of the Likeness and ‘Public Domain Section’ of the submission will be final. Entrants relinquish and giveChristchurchNZall rights, title, and interest in and to the Likeness and ‘Public Domain Section’ of the submission in materials prepared by or on behalf ofChristchurchNZ, including all copyrighttherein. 


Entrants agree to release,dischargeand hold harmless the ChallengeOrganisers,ChristchurchNZand Sponsors from any liability, claims, losses, injuries, and damages arising out of or relating to or that you may sustainas a result ofparticipationin the HealthTech Challengeor the acceptance, use, misuse, or possession of any Prize. In no event shallChristchurchNZhave any liability to you for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, cover, or punitive damages however caused, whether in contract, tort, or under any other theory of liability, andwhether or notthe party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

An Entrant’s participation inthe HealthTech Challengedoes not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, or employment relationship between you andChristchurchNZor the ChallengeOrganisersor Sponsors. Entrants agree not torepresentthemselves as an employee, agent, servant, partner, fiduciary, or joint venture ofChristchurchNZ. Entrants shall not purport, through social media or otherwise, to speak on behalf ofChristchurchNZin an officialcapacity. Entrants shall notrepresentChristchurchNZ, act as its agent, or otherwise enter into any contractual agreement orattemptto bindChristchurchNZ. 

Entrants’ participation inthe HealthTech Challengeand these Terms and Conditions are governed by New سԹlaw (without regard to its conflicts of law provisions). 

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