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CC14: Euthydikos Kore

04 November 2023

Statue of the Euthydikos Kore

Plaster cast, Ministry of Culture Casts and Reproductions, Greece, 1988

Dimensions:H 1.31m
Acc #: CC14, James Logie Memorial Collection

Copy of a marble statue of a kore dedicated by Euthydikos, c. 490 BC
Found at the Acropolis, Athens, 1882- 1887
Acropolis Museum, Athens, #: 686


The Euthydikos kore is late Archaic style, but includes features indicative of the early Classical / Severe style. The kore’s left leg is further forward than her right leg, but her weight is poised equally on both feet, suggesting this is not a contrapposto stance. The Euthydikos kore is slightly smaller than life-size, with her head larger in proportion to the rest of her frame. Her hair is long and ropey, which is characteristic of the Archaic style. Her facial features show elements of both Archaic and early Classical / Severe styles. She has the almond-eye shape of the Archaic period, but she lacks the Archaic smile and has a more naturalised mouth.

The original Euthydikos kore statue wears a full-length dress known as akiton, with adiplaxpinned at the shoulder and draped over the body. The rendering of the crinkly texture of the material on her right arm is a detail that differs on many reproductions. The Euthydikos Kore is dated to c. 490 BC and, with the Kritios boy, may be one of the earliest examples of the contrapposto stance.


The Euthydikos kore was probably a dedicatory statue erected on the Acropolis. Excavated in several parts from 1882 - 1887, the statue is thought to be part of the ritually buried debris from the destruction of the Acropolis after the Persian invasion of Athens in 480 BC.

Both the cast and the original Euthydikos kore have an inscription on the base in Greek which translates as, “Euthydikos, son of Thaliarchos, dedicated me.” The direction of the text around the base suggests that sculpture was to be viewed from all sides.

The kore is her missing right arm. The break at the elbow suggests that the original right arm was extended outwards, and may have been holding an offering. Korai often held fruit or flowers as a symbol of their virginity and youth.

This cast of the Euthydikos kore has a light pink colouring, unlike the original statue where the colouring is not as obvious. This was possibly a choice by the copyist to indicate the ancient custom of painting sculpture in bold colours.

Further Readings

A short selection of references for this work includes:

  • Burnett Grossman, Janet. 2003.Looking at Greek and Roman Sculpture in Stone: A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques. Los Angeles: Getty Publications
  • Del Chiaro, Mario A. 1984.Classical Art: Sculpture. Santa Barbara: Museum of Art Publications
  • Greek Ministry of Culture. 1988.Catalogue of Casts and Reproductions. Athens: Archaeological Receipts Fund
  • Keesling, Catherine M. 2003.The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge: University Press
  • Lullies, Reinhard and Max Hirmer. 1957.Greek Sculpture. London: Thames and Hudson
  • Payne, Humfry, and Gerard Mackworth-Young. 1950.Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis. London: The Cresset Press
  • Pedley, John Griffiths. 2012.Greek Art and Archaeology. Upper Saddle River: Pearson
  • Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta. 1968.Korai: Ancient Greek Maidens. London: Phaidon
  • Ridgway, Brunile Sismondo. 1970.The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture. Princeton: University Press
  • Stewart, Andrew. 2008. “The Persian and Carthaginian Invasions of 480 B.C.E. and the Beginning of the Classical Style: Part 1, The Stratigraphy, Chronology, and Significance of the Acropolis Deposits,”American Journal of Archaeology, 112, 377-412
  • Stieber, Mary. 2004.The Poetics of Appearance in the Attic Korai. Austin: University of Texas Press
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